I stepped out of our bedroom this morning only to be hit by a wall of cold air!  I looked at the thermostat – it read 50 degrees!  WTF?   Turns out our electricity went out for a second last night, as half of the clocks in the house were flashing, the others were fine.

Turns out there is a switch on our furnace, and Tony told me to turn it off for 10 seconds, and turn it back on.  Then I heard the furnace kick on.  

Okay, when I went to start the car this morning, it kind of coughed at me, trying to catch its breath before it finally kicked over.  I let it run for about 20 minutes before leaving.  As I was pulling out of the driveway, my temperature gage read -15! 

So I walk into work, and what do I see?  Donuts to celebrate January birthdays.  Here’s the one I had:

light and fluffy, just the right amount of glaze!
light and fluffy, just the right amount of glaze!

 Did you believe that I ate that?  Shame on you!  I had my classic egg sammie and grapes thank you!

I was hungry, so I only took one picture, so kinda blurry!
I was hungry, so I only took one picture, so kinda blurry!

I took less insulin at breakfast today in the hopes that I can work out at lunch and not pass out of low blood sugar!   Fingers crossed it works. 

See you at lunch!