Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Broccoli Cheddar Soup

 I decided to get the combo – 1/2 salad and cup of soup.   I decided on a new salad I hadn’t tried before, half order of the Asian sesame chicken salad.  The dressing is a reduced sugar Asian sesame vinaigrette, which I asked for on the side.  Sadly, they left it out completely!  I didn’t realize this until I got home, so had to settle for balsamic, which didn’t really work all that well. 

I ended up eating about 3/4 of the salad, all of the soup and then I scooped out the middle of the bread, fed that to the dog, and just ate the crusty outside to dip in my soup. 


  • 555 calories, 31 grams fat and 46 carbs

So according to, I still have 573 calories left for the day.  I was thinking of making turkey burgers tonight (don’t worry Tony, I’ll make yours beef).  Does anyone have a tried and true turkey burger recipe?

Blizzard conditions, more snow and arctic air is in our immediate future.  After the holidays are over I just can’t wait for spring!  See you tonight!