I bought already sliced grapefruit because the container was on sale for $1.99 which is a great deal!  Tony noticed though that the grapefruit was sitting in sugar water!  So I drained the juice and just ate the grapefruit.  We’ll have to see how I did with my insulin though!

Yesterday my blood sugar was low ALL DAY.  In fact, while making dinner last night, it was 49!  So Hannah fed me crackers with goat cheese while I was making dinner!

I also had a Weight Watcher bagel sammie this morning.  I like the fact that they are 2 points, but they taste slightly sweet to me and I am not sure I like it!

My 5 ounce serving - calorie king says its 15 carbs, but with the sugar water I am not so sure!
My 5 ounce serving - calorie king says its 15 carbs, but with the sugar water I am not so sure!
1 egg, 1/2 ounce swiss, 1 ounce deli ham, WW bagel
1 egg, 1/2 ounce swiss, 1 ounce deli ham, WW bagel

I have spaghetti squash for lunch today!  I baked it last night as opposed to microwaving it.  I am curious to see if there is a difference in taste depending on how its cooked.


Morning break is over . . . see you at lunch!