That’s probably one of the things I love most about the weekend.  No hurry to get up, nowhere to be.  I know some people wake up at the same time every day no matter what.  Me, I could sleep until noon if given the chance!

And we were out late last night, we got home about 12:30.  Having Hannah as our designated driver was a great idea.  We carpooled with another couple and she just dropped us off and picked us up there. 

Here is what my hair cut looks like – it was all one length just below my shoulders – now lots of layers!


I got my dress at the local thrift store for $15!  


It’s always nice to be out with Tony! 

I have more biscotti to make, finish the laundry and then Hannah and I are meeting my mom for a movie this afteroon.  Off to make breakfast!  See you later!