I brought two of my chimichangas from last night and heated them up in the toaster oven – they came out really crispy!  Since I used the rest of my enchilada sauce last night, I went down to the basement to get a jar of homemade salsa that I canned. 

If you don’t know the process, click on the “my garden overflows. . .” page on top.  Thanks to Tony for finding that recipe!

So I go downstairs, only to find out this is the next to last jar!  You may be seeing pictures of me grilling tomatoes in sub-zero weather soon!


  • 2 chimichangas (ended up eating only one though!)
  • my cup of salsa
  • 1 ounce tortilla chips
  • spinach salad with Goddess dressing


  • 476 calories (only eating one chimichanga)
  • 26 fat
  • 44 carbs

Lunch break is about over – see you at dinner!