Okay I RARELY buy these prepackaged meals, but the store by me is going through a complete makeover and EVERYTHING is on sale. This caught my eye, as did the price – $1.25!
Since I ate breakfast so early, by 11:30 I was starving, so decided to heat this up and then save my mystery soup for later in the day.
The verdict? It actually wasn’t too bad! Although the original price was $3.99, which is way overpriced. You heat up the flatbread on this metal-like circle and it came out kind of crispy. Of course, I added Tabasco to kick it up!

Here is the nutrition, and although it had onions in the ingredient list (yuk!) I didn’t see/or taste any!
It will be interesting to see how this keeps me full. Since I didn’t do my full grocery shopping over the weekend, I have hardly any fresh vegetables or fresh fruit. If they have more of these I may get them but add fresh peppers with it to bulk it up.
Tony is gone tonight, so you know what that means! No Tony = Tacos! Hannah has rehearsal for fall follies tonight so I get the house to myself! I’ll be making my BSI recipe submission tonight and then will hopefully find some show that Tony would never watch, like sevant twins, or people with trees for hands – I am a sucker for all those shows on A&E and Discovery Health!
See you tonight!
That may even be cheaper than making your own sandwich.
Oh that reminds me i can watch Eli Stone online tonight. That wrap looks good. Hope you survive with out your fruits and veggies =) That’s what keeps me going…that oatmeal, and an occasional protein shake. Yummy mint chocolate. Yes, i eats lots of other food, but those ones give me more energy and stay with me longer.
That flatbread sandwich looks SO good!
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