So Hannah and I spent about 2 1/2 hours cleaning the basement and organizing my clothes.  Thanks Hanners!  So I thought we would reward ourselves with lunch out with Tony.  They had my favorite beer on special – Sam Adams Summer Ale – they must be trying to get rid of it – my gain!  Two bottles were only $3.50!

I got a buffalo chicken wrap, sauce on the side, with fries.  I ate the whole wrap, and about 75% of the fries.  With the beers my lunch was 929 calories!  Yikes!  But it was worth it – and I haven’t done that in a LONG time.

horrible lighting!
horrible lighting!

 Still not done with laundry, and my desk is still not tackled!  Grrrr.  But I have to get it done today since Hannah and I are going to downtown Chicago tomorrow.  Hope your weather is better than ours today!

See you at dinner!