Okay, it was good t.v. last night, I got home a little later than usual, so I am posting my dinner this morning!

Two things happen when I cook: I make a mess and the smoke detector goes off!  And last night was no exception!

So I wanted to make baked chicken wings, but when I got home, I realized I didn’t have any more bread crumbs, I’d used them for the chicken parmesan.  But that’s okay – I had a loaf of french bread that was hard as a rock – I could just put that in the food processor.  Only problem?  They weren’t completely dry.  Again, not a problem.  I pureed the bread as best as I could, and then decided to dry the crumbs by putting them in the oven – that I had already preheated to 425 for the wings!

So I am just talking to Tony, talking about our day as I am putting the wings together, when all of a sudden I smell something burning.  I said to Tony “if I do nothing else this weekend, I need to clean out this oven.”  I go to open the door to see what is on the bottom of the stove that might be causing the burning smell – I completely forgot about the bread crumbs!

So I take this pan outside to cool, smoke is filling the kitchen and then, 1. . . 2. . . .3. . .BEEP BEEP BEEP!  The smoke detector in Hannah’s room goes off. 

I am the best cook ever!
I am the best cook ever!

Okay, so now I definitely have no bread crumbs.  So I see what else I have.  Aha!  Cheese and herb flavored croutons!  So I added croutons, italian seasoning, salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder to the food processor and make the crumb mixture. 

First I dipped the wings in an egg/milk mixture, then with the crumbs in a ziploc bag, just shaked and baked them.  They turned out really crispy!  They took about 50 minutes in the oven.  On the side I had skin on smashed potatoes and green beans with diced pancetta.



Okay, probably not the healthiest meal, but very tasty!  And I couldn’t pass up a bargain – the whole package of wings was only $2.00!


See you tomorrow for breakfast!  Ur, I mean later for breakfast!