I used leftovers to make my stirfry at lunch today – the last of the grilled chicken, the rest of the tofu, and mixed veggies.  I also tried the Freekeh (sp?!) that I got from Trader Joe’s – the 100% young durham wheat that is to be used as a substitute for rice.  it was so good!  It was chewy, like wheatberries but had kind of a bulgar taste?  Hard to describe.  Not sure I would eat it by itself, but at half the carbs of rice, I am in!

473 calories, 10 fat, 41 carbs
473 calories, 10 fat, 41 carbs

 For dinner I made lasagna, but it was just okay.  Not even going to bother with the recipe until it turns out the way I like it.  I used my marinara sauce that’s been cooking for a couple days, but maybe needed to be cooked longer to thicken.

Tony’s plate: (I like the natural light so much better in my office!)

(with a mini tomato/mozzarella salad on the side)
(with a mini tomato/mozzarella salad on the side)

Hope everyone had a good day – only two more work days til the weekend!

Happy Birthday again Carl!  Not too late to comment to wish him a happy birthday if you haven’t done so already.  My FIL and MIL have been busy today, so I don’t think they have seen the birthday messages yet!

See you at breakfast!