We slept in, which I love!  Of course, Ed was waiting for his morning walk.  He kept looking at me as if to say “um, usually we’d already be back from our walk at this time!”

While I took him on a walk, Tony made me breakfast (and took this picture!).  Again, he makes the best eggs!

Not sure how many calories, but about 45 carbs.  Last of the Asian apples!
Not sure how many calories, but about 45 carbs. Last of the Asian apples!

 We have this tree in our back yard that neighbors have called a cigar tree.  Right before all the leaves drop IN ONE DAY they have these long green bean things that hang from the leaves:

beautiful blue skies today!
beautiful blue skies today!
look at how long these things are!
look at how long these things are!

I took a picture, because the leaves are just about to drop, and literally, I could walk out tomorrow morning and the whole tree will be empty and there will be two feet of leaves on the ground!

Not sure what we are doing today, other than the normal around the house stuff.  Hannah and I are going to have pasta tonight before our race tomorrow!  (don’t worry Tony, you are having meatloaf!).

See you at lunch.