No morning walk pics because it was kind of drizzly and overcast, which is supposed to be the theme for the day.  Even Ed didn’t want to walk long, we were only gone 15 minutes!


  • 1 low carb wrap
  • 1/2 cup egg whites, scrambled
  • 1 ounce swiss cheese
  • .8 ounce deli ham
  • 1.5 ounce banana sprinkled with .5 ounce Nature’s Path Flax cereal
338 calories, 14 fat, 5.3 fiber, 26 carbs, 27 protein
338 calories, 14 fat, 5.3 fiber, 26 carbs, 27 protein
With Starbuck’s Breakfast Blend!  Yum!
I am really sore from Jillian’s lunges in the circuit I did yesterday, so I think it will be simple elliptical at lunch for 45 minutes.  See you at lunch!