No, I am not having rice krispies for breakfast.  I am talking about the best fire I have ever made!

We have a wood burning stove in our house, and it was quite chilly last night.  But we refuse to turn on the heat the first week of October!  So I decided to light a fire.  Mind you I SUCK at making fires.  Once they are started I can keep them going, but starting one – NO WAY!

Well last night was my lucky night!  I started with three logs and I never had to relite it.  (okay, I cheated a bit by using a bit of pressed wood, but I’ve used that before and it never worked).  Let’s just say I was very proud of myself!

And it heated up the house nicely.  Before I lit it it was 64 and within an hour it was up to 71.  Nice!

BEAUTIFUL morning!  Ed and I took a long walk this morning – 40 minutes!









  • 1 fresh pita (SO GOOD!)
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 ounce steak
  • .5 ounce honey hot cheese curds (chopped)
  • 1 ounce fresh spinach
402 calories, 13 fat, 39 carbs, 2.1 fiber, 29 protein
402 calories, 13 fat, 39 carbs, 2.1 fiber, 29 protein

I plan to run at lunch – the 5K is in three weeks!