Usually when I get up and cook and blog before work, Tony is still sleeping.  Nothing wrong with that but I try not to make too much noise.  I was looking for my non-stick skillet yesterday morning to make an omelet, and I couldn’t find it.  I could have made a ton of noise looking in the dish washer (which I know I am not supposed to do with non-stick!) or root around our one cabinet that is too small to hold all the cookware that we have.  I ended up just getting a small pot figuring that would work just as well.  Um, no.  I usually pour my egg whites in the pan, put a lid on it, go get dressed and then when I come back – it’s done and I just flip it into my container to take to work.  Um, no.  It stuck, so I ended up with scrambled egg whites.

Plan B!  B breakfast burrito panini.  I am sure I am not the only one that has a panini maker at work. Open-mouthed smile

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I love the tiny Wholly Guacamole containers.  And I love these tortillas too – 8 grams of fiber per tortilla!

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I went swimming again at lunch.  I know it’s weird to want to swim when it’s so fricken cold.  Our high today?  SIX FRICKEN DEGREES!  Gah.  But the pool room is super warm and so is the water.  It’s just the walk from the pool to the shower locker room that sucks ass.  I was the only one there, and I am happy that the life guard is confident in my swimming skills by now, because she doesn’t sit in the life guard chair, she just sits in the office.

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Lunch was leftover lemon pasta from the night before.  Still so tasty!

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So on Monday when it was so slow at the restaurant that I got cut after one table, the GM asked me to call in before work last night to see if I needed to come in.  I called at 4:30 – not gonna lie I was hoping the whole time that they would say they wouldn’t need me.  I like my weekday evenings home with Tony.  But she said I was assigned to the bar and it was probably going to be busy because we had live music in the bar.  So I go from one extreme – hope I don’t have to work! to the other – rats, I have to work.

I get there and find out we’ve had two bigger parties cancel last minute, and after being there all of 20 minutes, I got cut.  Hooray!  I get to come home to Tony!  I ended up getting home 45 minutes later than usual, but not a big deal.  I quickly changed into my comfy clothes – I mean, doesn’t everyone put their pajamas on within 5 minutes of walking in their door after work?  I had sloppy joes on the menu for tonight, but if I don’t have to work late at the law firm, we are going out to dinner and a movie tonight!  Here is my recipe for sloppy joes – please ignore the shitty ass pictures from 2009 – thank you.

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Although that picture isn’t much better – still trying to find the right white balance under my florescent light – any suggestions are welcome!  My joes are topped with spicy pickles, mustard and Frank’s red hot wing sauce.  And nothing goes better with sloppy joes than tater tots!

Time to go warm up my car.  Usually by this time of the winter there is at least a glimmer of spring – but not this year!  Make it a great day!