It’s what’s for dinner!  First off though, my husband brought home White Castle.  My daughter and I have never had it before.  She loved them – I did not.   I could taste the onions and the texture of the beef was weird.  But at least I can say that I had a bite of one!

Dinner was steak and stuffed potatoes with broccoli and shredded cheese.

252 calories, 7 fat, 40 carbs, 6 fiber and 7 protein (each half)
252 calories, 7 fat, 40 carbs, 6 fiber and 7 protein (each half)
no - I didn't eat all this!
no - I didn't eat all this!


My 3.5 ounce portion
My 3.5 ounce portion

With a glass of red wine!


  • 1341 calories
  • 37 fat
  • 99 carbs
  • 19 fiber
  • 85 protein

As a gift my mom got me a subscription to this magazine.  I love it!  I guess the reason I like it is that there are no processed foods in the recipes.  They do have 30 days of individual meals, but there are a lot of repeats.  And it used to only be quarterly, but starting with their winter issue, it will now run 6 issues per year. 

New season of the Office tonight – yeah!   Rats!  I thought it was the season premiere!