I decided to do the shrimp stir-fry again to use up the end of the week veggies in the fridge.  I have a new favorite vegetable – red cabbage!  I had only ever had it in the mixed salad bag before, but I love that it keeps its crunchy texture while cooking.  And 3 ounces has 2 grams of fiber!

286 calories, 2.1 fat, 39 carbs, 9.1 fiber (nice!) 31 protein
286 calories, 2.1 fat, 39 carbs, 9.1 fiber (nice!) 31 protein

I pan fried frozen shrimp in the pan just until they get slightly pink, then throw all the other ingedients on top, sprinkle with sauce and put a lid on it.  4 minutes later, you are done.  The veggies are still crisp and the shrimp have finished cooking.

  • 4 ounce shrimp
  • 3 ounce carrot
  • 3 ounce broccoli
  • 1.5 ounce red bell pepper
  • 3 ounce zucchini
  • 3 ounce bean sprous
  • 3 ounce red cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons Wonnie’s Korean BBQ sauce

This leave me with about 750 for Friday night (I see Bud Light Lime in my future!)