It took Tony, Hannah and I over 90 minutes to shovel and snow plow our drive and deck. It actually felt really good, the sun was shining and I really worked up a sweat! I entered the activity into eTools and discovered I’d only earned 4 activity points – WTF?!
We don’t have a garage, so we had to first dig out the last car in the drive, then move each car after that. The dog was a bit freaked out by the snow blower but he loved it. It’s probably the most fresh air he’s gotten in a long time. 😀

After we got done, it was time to bake bread! I made the dough a couple hours before. I made the Simple Crusty Bread, i.e. Artisan Bread in five minutes. Although this time since I had time, I decided to try out different washes on each of the 4 loaves of bread it made. One brushed with butter, one with egg white/water, one with just egg yolk water, and one with nothing. I sprinkled each loaf with either fresh rosemary and Hawaiian sea salt, or sesame seeds with sea salt.

Of all the loaves, I think this one brushed with the egg wash turned out to make a tad crunchier crust, but if I did a blind taste test, not sure I could tell the difference. I am quite confident that I could sustain myself on bread and cheese! (um, and wine too 😀 )
I had originally planned for our dinner tonight to be done in the crock pot, but because of our snow day yesterday, I was able to do it in my dutch oven.
Italian Pot Roast (from
Ø 10 servings: approx. 5 ounces of meat and ½ cup of sauce)
Ø 341 calories, 12.8 fat, 4.2 carbs, 1.0 fiber and 45 protein)
Ø 8 PointsPlus per serving.
- 1 three pound chuck roast
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 celery rib, chopped
- 1 carrot, chopped
- 8 oz. mushrooms, chopped
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 14.5 ounce can chopped tomatoes
- ½ cup tomato sauce
- 1 cup red wine
- 1 tablespoon minced garlic
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- Salt and pepper for roast
1. Heat oven to 300 degrees. Pat the roast dry with paper towels, then generously sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. Heat oil in oven safe pot over medium-high heat. Brown roast on all sides, about 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer to a plate.
3. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add celery, carrot, mushrooms, and tomato paste, and cook until softened, about 5 to 8 minutes.
4. Add diced canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, wine, and garlic. Cook for 15 minutes. Using a stick blender, puree mixture.
5. Add seared roast, any drippings on the plate into the tomato mixture. Add a sprig of rosemary and the oregano, stir.
6. Cover and cook for two hours, or until the meat is fork tender. Serve the meat and sauce over polenta, rice or thick noodles.

Stats for Wednesday:
- 28 Points (breakfast and lunch were both 7 points)
- 90 minutes shoveling/snow blowing
- average blood sugar 121
A huge THANK YOU to Helen – I was runner up in her giveaway – check out all this TaeBo Loot!

I cannot believe all that snow you have! Insane. I’m secretly a bit jealous, because snow is a novelty for us here on the west coast 🙂
I have a total craving to bake some bread while I’m off school this week. And I’m pretty sure you can live just on bread, cheese, and wine. Yum!
The snow pictures from Chicago are just insane! Even after living there most of my life, I just can’t imagine city streets having abandoned cars and major highways being completely shut down. Hopefully things are back to usual today (or maybe not! ha!) with the help of all that shoveling and plowing everyone has been up to!
I LOVE your crusty bread recipe and can’t wait to make it again. I will be doing the egg wash next time… and I’ll hope my bread is as pretty as yours! Picture perfect!
Enjoy your weekend, Biz!
4 exercise points?! THAT’S A LIE!
My dad shovels for exercise. Haha! That’s the only exercise he gets in the dead of winter. I hope you’re warm and toasty underneath that 18 inches of snow!
Lots of snow in your area for sure! That pot roast looks wonderful over pasta!
Hello biz!
I was what do you do to prevent the splattering of oil from getting all over your stovetop/countertop when searing the meat? Do you use a splatter screen?
I actually baked it with the lid on so there is no splattering except on the top of the lid 😀
Jealous of your win! Billy Banks is a dreamboat!
And I thought we had it bad! I’m pretty sure the deepest snow is only up to my knees and that seemed like your lowest point! Your bread looks delish–I have to try that soon. This week I’m trying out potato bread but yours is next. Congrats on the Tae Bo loot–you know that’s my fave workout! In fact, I recorded myself doing it and will be including that video on my next blog for those who might be bored enough to watch. 🙂
oh my goodness i can’t believe all that snow?!?!?!?! sounds like it would definitely be a crazy workout to dig your way outta that! oh and that bread looks absolutely divine by the way, yum!
That bread looks AMAZING! I need to try that recipe!
And all that snow you scooped! Wow! I still can’t believe all of the snow that had to be moved…the piles on the side of the roads are just huge!
ooh that bread looks yum. Big boo on the shoveling, and on the points – not nearly enough for the effort -no fair!
I could for sure live on bread and cheese and be one happy mama!
I could live on bread and cheese, too!!!!
Tae Bo!!!! You are speaking my language… it is such a good workout. I’m actually planning on doing it tomorrow.
And that bread looks amazing. AMAZING! I’m looking up the recipe right now.
Stay warm!
Unbaked, that bread looks like Christmas! So pretty.
Shoveling snow is a great exercise – I wouldn’t take the points value to heart too much.
That was some snow storm! It is a good calorie burner!
You are killing me with that bread baking. I have used the Artisan bread recipe and technique and it is amazing bread that can be baked at home!
Love the pot roast. I have another idea about your wash for bread. Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1 cup warm water and stir until the baking soda dissolves. It really browns the top of the bread and makes it look awesome and crunchy on top.
Paul and his friend made $80.00 each yesterday shoveling! 🙂
You are such a nice wife to help with the snow!! I leave the outside jobs to Jay…. 🙂
Now you have as much snow as we have! Don’t forget to make snow angels, castles and snowmen when it’s possbile.
Yes, the bread looks delicious.
I have just discoverd almond butter, but I don’t know how to eat it (although I pretty happy eating it from the jar right now…..)
Shoveling will whip you right into shape! Imagine all the kids who make that their side business. They must be buff. 🙂 You need a hearty meal to fill you up after all that work!
I canNOT believe you shoveled for that long!! Are your arms/back hurting like crazy today?? I agree….it HAS to be more than 4 activity points. I think fresh bread is a great way to follow some hardcore shoveling!
Wow, you guys are better than me – I would have just been flopping down, making snow angels…forget all that shoveling!
It probably sounds funny since I am in California where it has been all sunshine and pretty, but I am really jealous of all of you who are out there in the snow this week! It looks and sounds so nice to be snowed in and cozy. I am glad Tony found your package in the snow – poor Billy Blanks could have been frozen out there until the Spring!
Oh, and you have an award over on my blog if you want to pick it up 😉
That is a ton of snow!!
The bread looks delicious… I’m sure I would be able to eat a whole loaf myself, regardless of the wash!
Shoveling is an awesome workout, but I hate doing it!
Snow….yuck. We got snow and then ice and then snow. My son’s car ( which had been in the drive during the entire storm) was literally frozen to the drive! It took him and my husband a half an hour to get it unstuck yesterday! Geesh. Can I just say I am so done with winter?
I seriously need to make a loaf of that bread. It would have gone great with the lasagna I made last night!
Are you sure we’re not sisters? Bread, cheese, and wine? That sounds like me perfect meal right there. Love me some good bread. I might just have to make some now. You know the one in ATK where they bake it in the enamel Dutch oven? I’ve been wanting to try that one. Almost no knead bread, I think?
That snow is just ridiculous. Ridiculous, I tell you. The clouds should not poop that much stuff in one place.
LOVE the break! Sorry about the snow but better you than us! We already have enough!
I’m so glad your DVDs got there. I actually was worried about it with all the snow you are getting. How appropriate that they arrived while you were snowed in. Of course after all that shoveling you didn’t need any more exercise did you?
I have to put that pot roast recipe in my rotation. How long would you cook it in a crock pot?
That bread looks so, so, so yummy!
I love all the snow pictures! Glad you guys had some fun shoveling snow!
The bread looks amazing. I baked my very first loaf of bread the other day and am determined to experiment some more soon! I’ll consult all your bread posts… 🙂
I cannot believe the depth of that snow! All the way to your waist! WOW that is DEEP. How much did you guys get.
My doggies are sad now because they don’t get walked so much – basically because the big one just wants to eat snow. That’s it. So we keep him in – there is no point in a walk, he doesn’t go anywhere. It is a waste of time. And the other one is in heat…so she needs to be kept in the backyard. [She is being spayed in March.]
Tony is looking awesome. You guys did a great job – that is a lot of snow to shovel. Where did you put it all.
Nice dinner to come inside to – you are a good Momma. That looks delicious, especially over noodles.
Be warm, safe and happy Biz. Good thoughts your way.
I can’t wait for the warmer weather, just for them.