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‘sunday dinner’

Braised Short Ribs Over Creamy Polenta

Braised Short Ribs Over Creamy Polenta
I think the only thing that can surpass Hannah’s love of Starbuck’s is her simultaneous love of both Wal-Mart and Target.  Whenever she wants to go to either of those places and asks Jacob or I to go with her, our question to her is “are you only picking up a couple things or walking around the whole store?”  Because she loves to spend a...
January 20, 2016

Italian Pot Roast and shoveling is great exercise!

Italian Pot Roast and shoveling is great exercise!
It took Tony, Hannah and I over 90 minutes to shovel and snow plow our drive and deck.  It actually felt really good, the sun was shining and I really worked up a sweat!  I entered the activity into eTools and discovered I’d only earned 4 activity points – WTF?! We don’t have a garage, so we had to first dig out the last car...
February 3, 2011