I decided just because I am hosting BSI – chiles this week that it didn’t mean I couldn’t come up with a recipe!
First I want to thank everyone who emailed me or commented about Kalyn’s Kitchen for recipe inspiration – she has so many wonderful ideas! My breakfast yesterday morning was inspired by one of her breakfast casseroles, except hers called for cottage cheese, and I didn’t have any, so I subbed in tofu – this was really good!
Tofu Green Chile Breakfast Casserole
Submitted by My Bizzy Kitchen (http://mybizzykitchen.com)
Makes 2 servings (407 caloires, 27 fat, 14.3 carbs, 2.7 fiber and 29 protein)
Perfect for Phase I of the South Beach Diet
1 | medium zucchini |
5 | ounces tofu |
4 | ounce green chile, diced |
5 | eggs |
3 | ounces American cheese, diced |
1 | teaspoon olive oil |
1/2 | teaspoon tarragon |
1/4 | teaspoon paprika |
1 | pinch of salt |
1 | pinch of pepper |
- Heat oil in pan and saute zucchini just for a few minutes, you still want it to be firm. Place on bottom of medium casserole dish.
- Mix tofu, green chiles, eggs, american cheese, salt and pepper together and pour over the top of zucchini. Sprinkle top with tarragon and paprika.
- Bake at 375 for 20 to 25 minutes, or until its set and browned on top.

I have to tell you I was a bit hungry later in the morning. I still had my 45 minute walk at lunch and when I talked to Tony and told him, he was like “eat something.” But I didn’t bring anything else to eat other than what I brought for lunch and he said “eat some cottage cheese or walnuts.”
It was then I remembered. Last week I accidentally stole someone’s cottage cheese out of the work fridge. I hadn’t labeled my cottage cheese, the one I grabbed wasn’t labeled so I just assumed it was mine – however, mine was 1/2 full, and when I opened the one I brought to my desk it was brand new!
So I sent out an email – I replaced the cottage cheese the next day and put it back in the fridge with this note:
Well, it had been a week, no one had claimed it, it was still unopened. . . so I stole it again! It did the trick – 1/2 cup was perfect. Of course, the only way to eat it is with Tabasco!
I was actually quite excited that beans were not off limits. One of Tony’s favorite soups is split pea with ham. His Mom used to make it when he was younger. While I didn’t have any ham hocks (Tony poo pooed the ham hock I had in the deep freeze that was two years old!) I used diced smoked ham.
I have to be honest, I never thought I liked split pea soup, but the real story is. . . I never tried it. It always looks like baby puke to me!
Split Pea Soup with Ham
Makes 8 servings (316 calories, 7.4 fat, 37.2 carbs, 15.1 fiber and 25 protein)
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
1 | tablespoon olive oil |
2 | teaspoons minced garlic |
3/4 | pound smoked ham, diced |
2 | ounces celery, 4 medium ribs |
1 | pound green split peas |
8 | cups chicken broth |
1 | fresh cracked pepper |
- Heat oil in dutch oven. Add celery and garlic, cook for several minutes, making sure not to burn the garlic.
- Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for up to 2 hours, until the beans are thoroughly cooked.
- I prefer to mash the peas with a fork for a slightly chunky soup.
Dried beans are so cheap – I got a 4 pound bag for $2.60 cents!

I had a side salad on the side – all salad dressings are approved if they contain less than 3 grams of sugar per serving – turns out half my dressings don’t qualify – poppy seed and Thousand Island dressing having 5 and 6 grams! I had this in my pantry – only 2 grams of sugar -and its delicious!

Dinner was so quick to put together, I think we were eating dinner by 6:00! Easy taco salad. I browned up some ground sirloin, and then just added it to a mix of greens with avocado (allowed as a good fat), cucumbers and diced red peppers. The jalapenos – too hot for me, so I picked them off. I made a salad dressing of sour cream and Taco Bell sauce – this was delicious and filling!
I squeezed lime over my salad too – it really brightens it up and keeps the avocado from turning brown.

After dinner since it was both Monday night football and the World Series, I did Jillian’s Quick Zone on Exercise TV – I had just walked my dog for 10 minutes, so I skipped the warm up – so I was done in 20 minutes! 😀
Stats for Monday
- 1435 calories, 95 carbs, 107 protein, 74 fat and 35 fiber
- 45% of calories from fat
- 45 minute walk at lunch with 4 pound weights
- 10 minute walk with dog
- 20 minutes Jillian’s Quick Trouble Zones
So not bad for the first day on South Beach! I did buy walnuts for my desk as a snack – I am actually one of the few people that likes walnuts plain! Alright, gotta scoot to go vote.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you vote?
- Do you eat walnuts plain?
- What is your worst office refrigerator story?
I LOVE Kayln’s Kitchen and have made several of her recipes. I made a great frittatta for breakfast with turkey sausage, zuccini and peppers FYI
I vote! I almost didn’t yesterday but my conscience got the better of me at the last moment. As I was walking into the precinct, I saw the biggest shooting star I’ve ever seen. So just for that I was glad I went. LOL
I do not eat walnuts plain..they do nothing for me.
Hey biz,
Can you email me? I have something for you. I was at a local grocery store and saw something labeled spicy hot and was like this is so for you. So I grabbed it!
Yippee!! Thanks Joy – I loves the spicy! 😀
LOVE kalyn’s kitchen- it was one of the first blogs I started reading. She has tons of awesome recipes. The breakfast dish looks perfect. I am planning on doing my BSI dish tonight! Hopefully I’ll have it posted on Friday. Whoops- so sweet of you to replace the cottage cheese after the accidental steal.
* Do you vote? YES!
* Do you eat walnuts plain? Sometimes- have to be in the mood. I can get a little out of control with nuts though 😉
Hahaha!! That’s why I don’t eat split pea soup, too. I just can’t get over the look! (bad, I know)
OH, and I LOVE plain walnuts, too. I keep a huge bag in my freezer! 🙂
When I used to work in a office people used to steal food all the time! We caught her eventually. It was hilarious!
I need to make that split pea. My favorite soup!
Breakfast looks great, I just am not a tofu fan. Split pea soup DOES look like baby puke. I make it for my dad, I eat a bowl but that’s usually all I want of it.
Hahaha, I LOVE that cottage cheese story…sounds like something I would to, too!
I did not vote — new to OH and I didn’t register here yet. Oops…
And walnuts plain is the best way, they are so creamy tasting to me…I LOVE walnuts!
Fridges at work…hm. I don’t think I have any good stories 🙂
Wait wait wait wait — the jalapenos were too hot for you!?!!??
Yes, I vote. I voted like 3 wks ago.
Yes, I like walnuts plain!
Worst office refrigerator story was my first “real” job when I was 17-20 I worked in an office building as an “assistant” aka slave. It used to be my job to clean out the office fridge that we shared with like five other businesses in the building. I HATED it – I had no idea who any of the other people were, whose food was whose, how long it’d been in there, etc. It was like cleaning out a stranger’s fridge – so awkward and uncomfortable!!!!
I was working a weekend…and it was my lunch time. I grabbed the TV dinner out of the freezer, split the wrapper, stuck in the micro…and then looked at the box….oh my…it wasn’t mine. So while it was heating up I ran over to the grocery store (right next door) grabbed another one, (the same), and made it back in time to take mine out of the micro.
That was so nice of you Jamie! 😀 I wish everyone else was so considerate!
I love split pea soup – your recipe is exactly like mine. My mom used to put whole peppercorns in hers, and every once in awhile you’d bite into a delicious burst of peppery bliss!
Questions – 1) yes I vote; 2) love plain walnuts; 3) too many horrific office refrigerator stories to recount. I’m lucky to have a tiny fridge in my own office so my pristene edibles don’t have to co-mingle with the unmentionables!
Hilarious about the stolen cottage cheese. That breakfast bake looks soooo good.
Yes I voted! I don’t like walnuts plain, they seem to make my mouth feel weird! I do like them on or in with other foods though.
I love split pea soup, it is one of my favorites.
Haha! You are lucky no one claimed it when you replaced it so you got to have the cottage cheese again. I LOVE hot sauce, but never think to put it on cottage cheese – yum!
One of the best Friends episodes EVER!!!
Oh, I’m sorry, did your sandwich have the moistmaker?!
LOL!!! Love it!!
LOL! you stole my sandwich with a moistmaker! LOL!
oh your salad looks so good! split pea is one of my favorite soups!
The breakfast casserole looks sensational!!!! I need to put it on my list of things to try and eat 🙂 Yummy salad too! What a great idea using sour cream and sauce for the dressing, I love it and can’t wait to try it!
Hahaha Biz you crack me up. Stealing your own food. You are too fun! That split pea soup looks very good.
We have a lunch thief at work! Someone has been stealing frozen meals, string cheese, yogurts, etc over the last year. The facilities department has put up signs/etc to no avail, the worst part is that they’re also eating people’s leftovers!! Ick!!! like, you go to eat your lunch and there’s a bite taken out of your sandwich/leftovers. Blech!
Ew – I’d rather somebody take the whole thing than just a bite!
Yep, I voted! Always absentee…thank goodness our county has a drop box for those who vote by mail. 🙂
Yes, I love plain walnuts, although I do like putting them on stuff, like salads and yogurt and cottage cheese. I don’t care for them in baked goods, though, go figure! Maybe because they lose their crunch.
Worst office fridge story…you mean, other than the baggie of barely recognizable strawberries that someone forgot and I threw out the other day? Probably the time a coworker and I ended up cleaning the fridge after someone had left a glass bottle of sparkling water in the freezer and it ended up exploding in there.
Oh…and you mean it’s not too late for the BSI chiles? I thought last Sunday was the deadline.
I gave BSI two weeks this week because of Halloween weekend – and going forward I think we’ll go two weeks out instead of one – not too late Pubs! 😀
Cool beans!!! Looking forward to coming up with something good!
Haha! I just laughed outloud that you ate the replaced cottage cheese! Thats awesome. And as for the BSI I had no idea it was still in rotation – so cool! Your chile recipe looks delicious.
People at my work and my old work eat other people’s food constantly! Someone ate a 1/2 of someone’s partially eaten Wendy’s frosty that was in the freezer!
I’ve never eaten tofu but your recipe looks good!
I love that you replaced that cottage cheese! How awesome! But apparently the owner forgot they put it in there!
Perhaps next year you should dress up as the Hamburgular for Halloween?
I didn’t vote this year. I don’t feel educated enough about the canidates to make a “smart choice”. I refuse to go out there just to say I did it, and not be passionate about any of my choices.
My hand is sneaking closer to the open tub of walnuts as we speak… Muahahahhaha!
I’ll have to admit you make south beach look tasty!
And speaking of voting, I’m in the Baltimore Sun’s blog contest, and you can vote for me starting today!
I voted for you B!
Delicious South Beach day, Biz!
I love walnuts, but only if they’re candied. 😛
I voted. Always absentee and always last minute, but it still counts! 😀
I wish you worked in my office. Can’t tell you how many things get taken that never get replaced.
First, I want to say that you are inspiring me with your slow and steady weight loss. Somehow, I’ve gained 8 lbs since June, so I finally decided to get back to journaling (still trying to decide among Weight Watchers, Fitday, and Sparkpeople) and try to lose those dang 8 lbs. My pants are too tight.
I might have to try South Beach. I bought the book.
Let’s see…I vote by absentee, so yes, I voted already.
And I like toasted walnuts.
And…I am the refrigerator police. At the last job, people would just leave stuff. For a long time here, I was the only one bringing food. Now there are a ton more. I am still the fridge police. The worst was some stinky cheese. When I returned from maternity leave at my last job, the day before I came back, my coworkers said “Oh my god, Marcia’s coming back, we gotta check the fridge!” Funny.
I voted already.
I eat walnuts and like them alot but prefer them without sugar or glazes on them.
I buy condiment things like salad dressings, mayo, mustard, hot sauce, etc. and put them in the office fridge. I label them with my name but figure some will get used anyway. The last time I had Newman’s Own Lite Caesar dressing – brand new large bottle – I used 2T and put it away. A week or so later I went to use it again and there wasn’t even enough to dress my salad! Evidently everyone thought “they” were the only one “taking a little!” So, no more salad dressings in the fridge for me.
Oh, some one stole my lunch out of the work fridge once. I was REALLY hungry (read grouchy!). I sent a nasty scathing email to everyone letting them know I would keep money in my desk drawer, so if they forget lunch they could just ask for money instead of stealing a lunch. It’s been about 10 years now, and no one has forgotten the email. Or hit me up for the money I still keep in my drawer.
And Cottage Cheese and Tabasco, why I have never thought of this!
Everything looks great Biz, especially the breakfast casserole!
I also vote 🙂
You don’t want to know the horrors of my office fridge. I’m the one who always cleans it out and it’s nasty!
Love the label on your cottage cheese…too funny!
The horrible thing about seeing gorgeous food on blogs is that when you feel your tummy going “FOOD NOW FOOOD I WANT FOOOODDD” you can’t just grab a plate from your screen!
I love taco salads! I do not like walnuts…at all, really unless they’re chopped up fine and glazed on a salad!
I do vote 🙂
The taco salad looks great [well sans avocado I can’t eat it for some reason] it is so pretty. I love a pretty presentation. I am laughing about the cottage cheese. Are you sure the original you accidently stole wasn’t one you had forgotten you had bought – therefore there would be no one to take the replacement one you purchased? That would totally be something I would do. lol
I forgot to answer the questions – am I too late? Hope not.
Yes we vote – always – except no one to vote for in our district/state today – no kidding.
My first husband took the remainder of his birthday cake to work [two pieces] and someone stole it out of HIS DESK. I made him another one and the same thing happened the next day. In retaliation HE [I swear it wasn’t me] made chocolate brownies with Ex-lax mixed in and those got stolen from his desk. He knew who the thief was the next day because the guy had to call in sick b/c he well…y’know…couldn’t make it off the potty. Never happened again.
I love walnuts. I love them plain but I especially like these sugared [powdered] walnuts a neighbor made growing up – they were like crack. Unfortunately she never gave me the recipe and I can’t find a replica anywhere. I keep looking tho’.
Are you sure it was powdered sugar? I thought only granulated sugar worked for making candied walnuts – who knew?