I hardly ever wear makeup. I’ve never been one of those women who worries about what they wear or how they look. I am pretty sure most of my shirts have stains. When I got married I had my hair and make up done – when I first saw Tony I think he was like “is that even Biz? It looks like her sister!” He also said my face smelled like cake!
My sister was the one who always was up way before me, changing outfits several times. I literally would not get out of bed until her boyfriend honked his horn to pick us up for school. Most likely I would keep the sweats on I wore to bed, change my shirt, wash my face, brush my teeth, throw my hair back in a pony tail and I was good to go.
One day in high school though, I decided to dress up. I work this cute pencil skirt with a white top, and white high heals (all the rage in the 80s!) and curled and fixed my hair and put make up on. I walked to my boyfriends high school locker and leaned in to give him a kiss when he was like “what are you doing? What if Biz finds out?” He thought I was my sister!
Yesterday I wore makeup. Not a lot. Just some foundation to even out some, ahem, age spots, some bare minerals veil (which I love – does anyone else use bare minerals?), some mascara and some light lipstick. I didn’t think much of it until my boss walked by and said “oh, you wore makeup today – it looks nice!” I don’t know why I would care, but it was a nice compliment 😀
I bought some everything bagels over the weekend – each one is 300 calories, so I had half for breakfast and half for lunch.

I did a hard 45 minute workout on the elliptical on level 10. In this picture I was trying to show the stain on my shirt, but you can’t really see it in this picture!
When we were at the Fresh Market over the weekend, they had all their winter squashes for .99 cents a pound, which is really cheap for that store! I bought a small butternut squash, and upon putting it in the basket, I think Tony asked “what’s that for?” I assured him it was nothing I was making for dinner. 😀
Shannon made a chilled apple soup for one of her courses for the Food Buzz challenge. I am not a huge fan of chilled soups, but I wondered what would happen if I added apple to make a butternut squash soup?
Butternut Apple Soup with Goat Cheese Crumbles (printer friendly version here)
1 | small squash, butternut |
1 | small apple |
2 | cups chicken broth |
2 | ounces coconut milk |
4 | ounce potato, red and cooked |
1/2 | teaspoon crushed red pepper |
1 | pinch of salt |
1 | pinch of pepper |
1 | ounce goat cheese |
- Cut squash in half and remove pulp and seeds. Peel and quarter an apple. Put apple slices in half of the squash, then bake on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
- Hint: if you don’t have a leftover potato, you could put the potato on the cookie sheet at this time as well.
- Remove from oven and let cool. Put broth, coconut milk, potato, apple, pulp from squash, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper and simmer for a few minutes.
- Using a stick blender, puree. Garnish each bowl with 1/2 ounce of goat cheese.

The verdict? I think this may be my new favorite soup! It isn’t overly sweet – the balance of the crushed red pepper and goat cheese make this more of a savory soup to me, with a hint of sweet from the squash and apple.

Later in the afternoon, my blood sugar started dropping, so I stole asked my boss for one of his kudos bars – he has a huge box of them from Costco! It was pretty good.
For dinner I decided to make grilled bbq bone-in chicken breasts. Since I knew I would have to wait for the coals to get ready, I decided to make a loaf of artisan bread – I’ve never actually gone from refrigerator to oven before. I’ve usually taken a grapefruit size ball out, let it come to room temperature and then baked it.
The only difference is that it needed to be cooked about five minutes longer – worked out perfect. And I love the smell of fresh bread 😀

While Tony had K.C. Masterpiece, I had this:

My plate, with a slice of bread and pat of butter not shown:

So I still needed to do 15 minutes of exercise to meet my 60 minute goal. I took our dog for a walk to the river. I took this first picture trying to use different settings on my camera to see if I could even take a picture in such low light.
And then took this shot – I know its just the camera trying to get as much light as possible, but isn’t it scary? It looks like a noose hanging from a tree!
- 1527 calories, 176 carbs, 116 protein, 43 fat, 13.9 fiber
- 24% of calories from fat
- 45 minutes elliptical
- 15 minute walk with the dog
Question of the Day: Can you leave the house without wearing makeup?
p.s. Hannah thanked everyone for her hair compliments on the last post 😀
I used to wear no makeup and got into recently. Don’t wear a whole lot though because I’d rather spend that extra 10 minutes in the morning sleeping.
I made butternut squash soup last week, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. I think I’ll try your recipe and see how it comes out. The coconut milk and goat cheese should add a nice creamy element to it. Thanks!
I’m not a makeup fan either. I wear it for special occasions but that’s about it. It must make a difference though because when I do wear just a little, everybody notices!
You have such will power over those bagels! They are the worst for calories and I LOVE them! Good for you for cutting them in half! Gosh your food looks so good! Can I come live with you?
In all my 48 years I don’t think I’ve ever wore more then blush and I’ve tried mascara but it always makes such a mess because I’m such an eye rubber. I have been thinking about make-up though but wouldn’t even know where to start. I suppose if I get really intersted I could ask a MaryK lady.
I loved the look of you chicken dinner. I’ve never seen your hot sauce before but the garlic sounds wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by. Take care and God Bless!!
whenever i’m not working for an audition, an event, or on set, i don’t wear makeup. that means that i’m 100% guaranteed to run into a producer or director i know.
I’m one of those ppl that can’t leave the house w/o makeup. I have horrible self esteem and I feel self conscious w/o it. I’ve been trying to be better at it, but it always seems somebody points it out when I DON’T wear it, which makes me feel more self conscious. I guess we all have our quirks we need to work on..
That soup looks SO good! I love the idea to roast the apple in the cavity. I just finished up my roasted squash soup for lunch yesterday. It was so delicious, I can’t wait to make it again.
That does look like a noose from a tree! Johnny and I have a couple spooky shots from playing around w/ the lighting on his camera. We were testing it in the hallway at my old house before I moved in w/ him and in one I was walking past, but b/c the shutter was so open it didn’t really capture all of me. So it’s this bright, blurry hallway and then this slight blur of me walking through. Looks so creepy, like I’m a ghost!
The soup looks great!
oh my gosh – that soup! I made a creamy butternut squash soup last winter and I think it might have been the best soup I’ve ever made. I REALLY want to get an immersion blender….it would make it so much easier!
That picture is VERY creepy. I’m easily creeped out by things like that. 😉
I do wear make up everyday, but I don’t spend too much time on it mainly because I have NO clue what I’m doing! Mascara, Powder foundation, eyeliner….and I’m good to go. I need some tips!
I wear make up every day, love my Bare Minerals.
Your food looks amazing. I haven’t made bread in about a year, and you make me want to mix some up! I had the best butternut squash soup the other day at Boudin Bakery and I want to make it at home so bad! Thanks for the recipe.
You are taking Halloween pictures already, Biz! 🙂
I wear makeup everywhere, but I also wear stains in my shirts (especially youghurt). I didn’t get into habit of wearing makeup until in my early twenties, though.
Congrats to Kelsey on her new hair color!
Love the twin stories. I really hope I have twins one of these days. Andy has twins in his family. Who knows? It might happen!
Great workout! Level 10 is intense!
The soup looks awesome. Plus I love the artisan bread, so pretty!
I never wear makeup. I am too lazy.
I’m with you, I never hardly ever wear makeup! I was on a ladies getaway with a few cousins and one did my makeup and the other was shocked! “I’ve never seen you in makeup before!” lol
OMG…”for dinner I decided to make artisan bread…” My family is lucky if I decide to make DINNER for dinner! You’re amazing. I’d have loved to see you with the make up. I’m the same way – never wear it, and on the rare occasions I do, I hear a lot of “You look so good!” Hmm..I guess I look like crap all the rest of the time? Actually yes, I do, but I’m not vain about my looks.
The printed recipe is waiting for me to grab it and put it in my bag before I leave work! Sounds great.
Ha – your comment made me laugh out loud Leslie! 😀 Let me know if you like the soup as much as I did!
Um, think I’ll get my eyebrows waxed before I show a make up pic! 😀
That soup looks great! I def leave the house without make up – a lot – I like to wear it sometimes but prefer nothing (especially on my eyes – it’s so irritating!)
I hardly ever wear make-up on the weekends or on days I’m just going to the gym and food shopping. When I was working I would always wear a minimal amount – eye liner, mascara, undereye cover-up and moisturizer. For weddings and special occasions I may use a little eye shadow and lipstick. I don’t like the look or feel of foundation so I hardly ever wear that.
The makeup story is too cute! I have never made butternut squash soup before. One time I got sick out of it and have said away since. Maybe I should try it again!
haha i love your high school makeup story…and the fact that your boyfriend said, “what if biz finds out?” instead of “stop! what are you doing?” or something along those lines 🙂
that soup sounds delish. i’m starring for the future!
You did the right thing on the sauce…. KC Masterpiece is the most over rated (but a great name) Sauce on the market… nothing but sugar.
Sorry, hit a button
I go back and forth with makeup. There are months where I don’t leave the house without it and there are times where my makeup just sits there waiting for a special occasion. I haven’t worn it in a long time, but have been thinking about going back. 🙂 It will probably depend on my morning mood.
BTW…I don’t care what the scale says, you are definitely slimming! 🙂
I wear bare minerals every day–it’s nice and light but still evens out my complexion. I didn’t wear it while we were on vacation last week though, and it sure shows! I look awful in all the pictures!
I don’t really wear makeup either! I just mix some concealer with lotion and that is it. I do have bare minerals but don’t wear them that much. They’re great though. I like the veil and the reddish powder (that is not technically blush but that’s what I use it for – I forget what it’s called).
I think its called “Glee!”
That noose picture IS creepy ::shudder::
Anyhoodle – I am the same as you – I only wear make up for church, weddings, funerals and if I have to cover a blemish. My husband laughs at me because I hate wearing it so much that I will inevitably be putting it on in the car on the way to wherever we are going. It is usually powder, a little blush, mascara and lip gloss – I never got the hang of eyeshadow much to the chagrin of my daughters who wanted me to show them how to apply it. heehee
Do you have a recipe for that luscious looking bread on your blog? I must make this! 🙂
Here is the recipe – I wish I could take credit, but its Artisan Bread in five minutes. You make a big batch of dough, and after the initial 2 hour rise, you can just stick it in your freezer and take it out as needed. So it normally takes 30 minutes in my oven with room temp dough, I just added 5 minutes to cold dough after I shaped it.
I’ve also made olive/rosemary bread, cheese bread – throw anything in!
I just recently got the Bare Minerals starter kit and I LOVE it. I don’t wear it everyday, but those days when I want to feel extra made up I do. I have always been just an eye shadow/liner/mascara girl. The minerals stuff makes me feel more finished.
I didn’t used to be able to go out without makeup on. As a matter of fact, I always find it funny (not funny ha ha but funny odd) when weight-loss bloggers talk about how when they were heavy they never wore makeup or did their hair because they felt like ti wouldn’t make a difference. I was completely the opposite – when I was really heavy I HAD to put makeup on and do my hair if I was leaving the house AT ALL, because people were already going to think I was ugly and fat, so I needed to do as much damage control as possible.
Now I leave the house without makeup frequently – I don’t always feel beautiful when I do it, but I just came to the point where I felt like no one was looking anyway. They are all caught up in themselves and what they look like that day!
I was going to say the same thing Helen did – split a bagel? I might have the intent, but that doesn’t happen with me…which is why I don’t keep them around the house – they are too good!
We must see a picture of you with makeup! I am so pale that I “disappear” if I don’t have some on – that said, during the summer I get really lazy if I’m not working and will go out with just some “leftover” eye shadow (whatever is still on my brushes from the last time I applied it) and a fresh coat of mascara – my eyelashes are really light. But no foundation or blush. I tend to wear it every day during the colder months because my skin needs moisturizer, and as long as I’m doing that, it really doesn’t take me more than another minute or so to throw on some foundation and blush. This is way more than you wanted to know, I’m sure – I’m on a bit of a caffeine buzz right now, lol!
Oh, and that story about your HS BF is too funny!
I wear eyeshadow + mascara + SPF moisturizer for work during the week, but on the weekends I’m lazy and it’s hair in a ponytail and no make up time 🙂
I’m a makeup girl. You should try Mary Kay’s mineral foundation (shameless MK plug, don’t mind if I do!), it covers more than Bare Minerals and is still super light. I used to be a die hard BM fan but I am a convert! My mom always wore makeup when I was growing up, so I think that’s why I rarely leave the house without it. I am lucky to have good skin but I’m a bronze-a-holic!
You are looking mighty skinny by the way! Awesome job!
I don’t wear make up either. I think it’s way overrated.
Mango Habenero from BW3 is my sauce of choice.
Well, Bubba, for the record, I would like to see you in makeup! 😀
Yep, that’s my other favorite – perfect balance of sweet and heat!
I am one of those girls that always wear makeup even if it is a little bit…I even wear a little bit when I go running…you never know; I can bump into my future hubs hahahaha
btw you are really slimming down lovely!
try honey masks(make sure there is no sugar in it) ummm bentonite clay esneatsil oils .ummm try exfoliating also many fruits have antioxidants that cleanse the face just rub on ur face and then wash off as a daily face cleanser flax seed gel(boil flax seeds in water for about 10 min then strain and apply to face) and also a big part of pimples is what we eat eating healthier makes a HUGE difference to are skin
I remember that story Biz! Ha!
And as you know, I almost never go out without makeup on!! But since we are natural beauties, we only need a little! Ha!
Ah shucks..where is your make-up picture 😉 Kudos to you feeling great without make-up! I never leave the house without make-up on! I’ve been a fan of make-up since high school and have never looked back 🙂
Chap stick is my makeup of choice. 🙂 Love the soup recipe, and home made bread. YUM!
That bread looks so yummy! I love butternut squash soup. Might have to try that version. My MIL gave me a recipe for one with onions, celery, and ginger and it is the BEST. I think it might have been the subject of the very first post on my blog.
I’m a bit older than you so I’m more of a 70’s high schooler. We divided into two groups: the makeup queens and the earthy hippies. I am part of the first group.
I’m such a huge makeup user and fan, f I only wore mascara and a bit of lipstick I would probably say I didn’t wear makeup 😉
I admire your discipline in splitting that bagel. I usually don’t even buy them because I can never eat just a half at a time!