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Summer Orzo Pasta Salad

Summer Orzo Pasta Salad
It’s been crazy busy at work, which I love.  But yesterday I wore long johns under my pants because my train station doesn’t have warming booths, you just stand on the platform.  It worked perfectly, I wasn’t cold at all waiting for the train.  Only problem was that I got to work and hit the ground running, and wasn’t able to take my long johns...
December 14, 2016

The Best Pizza Dough

The Best Pizza Dough
Long time readers will kind of laugh at the title of this blog post because every time I try a new pizza dough recipe, I declare it the best I’ve ever had!  I really have no idea where my love affair with pizza came from, because we didn’t eat it all that often growing up.  Maybe because it was such a treat and not a...
November 16, 2016

Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles
I don’t even know who won the election. I stayed up with the kadults until nearly midnight, but finally had to call it a night and go to bed.  I only looked at my phone to turn off my alarm this morning, so I’ll wait a while longer to see who won.  Ignorance is bliss, right? It only took me 5 minutes to vote.  I...
November 9, 2016

Mini Falafel

Mini Falafel
This is going to be a very disjointed post, so just be prepared I am blogging late because I slept in until the last dog was hung before having to get my ass out of bed to Weight Watchers, which I haven’t been to in the last three weeks.  My eats and schedule have been all over the map, and I am realizing that I...
October 4, 2016

Reuben Baked Potatoes

Reuben Baked Potatoes
It felt so good to start my day with stretching – it kind of eased my way into the day.  It’s been in the low 30s in the morning still around here, so it was nice to be comfy in my pjs doing stretches. I had a low carb breakfast yesterday.  Not that I am doing a low carb diet at all, but I think...
April 30, 2015

Peppered Pork Udon Noodle Stiry Fry

Peppered Pork Udon Noodle Stiry Fry
Thanks for all your sweet comments yesterday on my transformation Tuesday!  I have to tell you, just seeing that comparison photo has given me even more inspiration to keep doing what I am doing.  Making this a lifestyle and not a diet.  Truth be told though, it doesn’t really “taste” like a diet.  I haven’t really been counting calories – I only put stuff into...
April 22, 2015