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Caramel Corn

Caramel Corn
I only ate a banana for breakfast knowing I was going out to lunch yesterday.  We had decided to go to Bite 9 – they had tons of different wraps and pitas, and Hannah had a jones for gyros.  And I had a jones for hummus, which their menu said was made fresh daily. But guess what?  It’s closed on Sundays! 🙁  So on to...
October 24, 2011

Best Spicy Shrimp Cocktail Ever

Best Spicy Shrimp Cocktail Ever
What a wonderful weekend we had.  The weather was amazing, and I was really bizzy in my kitchen this weekend. I forgot to tell you yesterday that the flea market we went to on Saturday was pretty gross – I mean like worse than some garage sales.  But I did get a new fish spatula and some Greek seasonings, but other than that it was...
August 29, 2011

Saturday WI and BLT Dip

Saturday WI and BLT Dip
I was 1.4 pounds away from getting my 10%, or 17 pound loss.  All the way to the meeting my mantra was “1.4, 1.4!”  So I was a little bummed when I saw this: I came home and Tony was like “how did you do?”  When I told him ONLY -.6, he said the perfect thing.  “You worked hard for that .6, and you keep...
June 11, 2011

Hi, My Name Is Biz and I am Addicted to Root Chips!

Hi, My Name Is Biz and I am Addicted to Root Chips!
I had every intention of going to the gym yesterday morning, but my body was like “um, hello?  you are 43 years old and you can’t work out an hour and 45 minutes the day before and expect to get up today.”  I wasn’t sore at all, I just think with working out before work, working, biking at lunch, working, then going out to eat...
June 8, 2011

Bay Scallop Gratin – Best Appetizer Ever!

Bay Scallop Gratin – Best Appetizer Ever!
Tony and I had the best early Valentine’s dinner.  We’ve only dined out on V-day once and vowed never to do it again.  I found a cool restaurant, but what they failed to mention was that their Valentine dinner was pre fix, no substitutions and . . . $100 per person, without drink! We almost walked out right then and there but we stayed.  It...
February 13, 2011

Best Shrimp Cocktail EVER!

Best Shrimp Cocktail EVER!
Reason 1,001 I love my husband!  Holy cow, he made the best shrimp cocktail ever – I have ever had INCLUDING RESTAURANTS!  But you’ll just have to read through my post to get there! Reason 1,002, 1,003, and 1,004 reasons I also love my husband: 1,002:  He took me to a restaurant supply store! 1,003:  He took me to the Japanese grocery store (where I...
October 18, 2009

Roasted Shrimp Cocktail

Roasted Shrimp Cocktail
I am normally all by myself at the gym, but lately there is this old guy there that doesn’t know how to use the machines OR the remotes.  So I walk in, and he’s pressed EVERY button of every remote and can’t get the t.v. on.  I asked if he needed help, because I actually did figure out how to use the remotes, and as I...
August 7, 2009