We got about 1/2 an inch of snow overnight, and it looks so pretty outside – I love how fresh snow looks!

So everyone was right that the picture yesterday was a back massager!  The weird thing was that my boss gave it to me and said “maybe you and Tony can have fun with this.”  Huh??!!

I knew a co-worker was bringing in bagels yesterday, so I accessorized my breakfast – I brought an egg, 1/2 ounce salami and 1 ounce of mystery cheese.  It was in my cheese ends package – I am thinking it was havarti??  Whatever it was, it melted really well!  I had 1/2 a sesame bagel sammie with 1/2 an apple.


After breakfast I passed out my gifts to the ladies in my office – I got such a great deal at World Market!  This three piece set only cost $3.49!


I saved one for myself and gave Hannah one too.  It’s both microwave and dishwasher safe! 😀

Lunch was leftover vegetable lasagna and shrimp leftover from our work function the night before.


So everyone knows how much I love pizza, but every Friday I never fail to ask Tony “what do you feel like for dinner?”  He’s like “who are you kidding, you know we are going to have pizza!”  It makes me laugh every time!

So I decided to make the deep dish pizza dough from last week, skipping the second part of adding butter and not letting it rise at all.  I just mixed and rolled it out.  Guess what? We liked it even better than last week!  Although I almost added too much sauce, but the dough held up to the sauce.  This week – all sausage, pepperoni and 1/2 mushroom for Tony.  (I just realized I took the picture before I added the pepperoni!) 😀


First layer cheese, second layer toppings, third layer sauce (now I see the pepperoni!:


Then cheese.  Since I don’t like mushrooms, I put mushrooms on top so I know which side is Tony’s!


Bake at 425 for about 30 minutes.  Holy cow its hard to wait for this one to be done!


I love this crust!!  This week we are still going to try the second step – rolling the dough out, spreading 2 tablespoons of butter overtop, then rolling it up like an envelope and letting it rise an additional hour – the whole process is about 2 1/2 hours, too long on a week night!  But apparently the butter makes a flakey crust.


My delicious piece:


Stats for the Day:

  • 1,687 calories
  • 74 fat
  • 166 carbs
  • 90 protein
  • 9 fiber
  • no exercise 🙁

Inspiration of the Week

Steve had a great motivational video – key work maximize.

Jen exposed herself!  Maybe one day I’ll be as brave as her.

Shelley is a rock star in the gym – she’s rocking 20 pound weights and doing 200 chest flys on the balance ball!

Good Eats

Cathy made dinner rolls for a crowd – they look so good!

RobinSue made Pofosen – think toasted white bread with jam, then fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar – um, definitely insulin worthy! 😀

Check out Amy’s Top 10 recipes of 2009!  I am especially intrigued about her Roasted Orange and Thyme Chicken Thighs with Crispy Parmesan Potatoes! YUM!

List of Things To Do:

  • clean living room and dining room
  • start Christmas cards
  • decorate when Hannah gets home from work
  • make chocolate pot with whiskey for dessert tonight

Tonight is CRAB FEST 2009 with our neighbors!!  Only this time, Hannah is going over to their house to babysit, and they are coming over here for Adult Crab Fest!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday – come back tomorrow to see how the dessert turned out! 😀