This black bean tortilla soup is so easy because the blender does most of the work!


Per usual, I was busy in my kitchen per usual this weekend.  Fun fact – I love soup.  Like a lot.  In fact I haven’t even categorized all the soup recipes on my blog yet, but last count – I have 130 soup recipes.  So crazy.  You can browse them here.

While going through my pantry/fridge/freezer challenge and trying to use up what I have, and as soon as I wrote everything down, the first thing that jumped out at me was “tortilla soup!”  Except I had like 6 cans of black beans, so decided to make the base of this soup with black beans to thicken it up.

this is a photo of black bean tortilla soup

Black Bean Tortilla Soup

Yield: 4 two cups servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

Show of hands how many of you are at the grocery store and think "do I have black beans at home?" Only to buy more and realize you have six cans already?! This black bean tortilla soup was created to use up all the black beans I had.


  • 8 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 can fat free refried beans
  • 1 15 ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 1 chipotle pepper (or more if you like it spicy!)
  • 1 can corn, drained
  • 4 corn tortillas, chopped
  • 1 package taco seasoning
  • 2 cups cooked chicken breast, shredded


  1. Put the chicken broth, black beans, refried beans, diced tomatoes and chipotle pepper in a blender, puree the soup. You can use a stick blender too. Add to stock pot. Stir in the corn, tortillas, taco seasoning and chicken and simmer for 20 minutes. That's it!

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And if you were my neighbor, I would have packed up the rest of this soup and given it to you, like I did my neighbors Brett and Amy šŸ˜€

This soup is so delicious, easy and great for meal prep.  I saved two servings for myself before giving the rest away.   It will be perfect for lunch today in anticipation of a snow storm.  Where we can get a dusting or up to 12 inches.  Gah.

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day!