I am trying all sorts of new things from the fridge/freezer of my friends Dan and Erica – they let me have all their food before they moved – and Erica had several packages of brie.  I puffy heart pretty much every cheese, but brie and goat cheese are at the top of my list.

I made pork taco meat with the rest of my pork tenderloin.  I was on the fence with these corn tortillas from Trader Joe’s – but air fried they were spectacular.  180 calories for three or 5 points,

Yes, I am well aware that the tortillas are expired, but they hadn’t been opened yet and well, I use expiration dates as suggestions 😀

This Supreme Brie cheese is made in Lena, Illinois.  30 grams was a serving or 4 points or 110 calories – so creamy delicious.

This really isn’t a recipe – I microwaved 3 of the tortillas for 30 seconds, just until pliable.  I divided the brie and pork (3 ounces total) between the three tortillas, added chopped cilantro, rolled them up, sprayed with avocado spray, then cooked them seam side down in my air fryer at 360 for 4 minutes, flipped, then cooked for 4 additional minutes at 400 degrees.

I garnished with more cilantro and red and green salsa.  It was 11 points total – or roughly 411 calories for the whole plate.

The pork and brie combo was amazing.

Roman wanted me to share.

And Rummy is happy to have grandma home for a few days in a row – she really enjoys The Voice. 

I cannot figure out how to flip these pictures – Jenn, can you figure it out?  I am leaving them because they are still cute!

Happy Thursday – make it a great day!

Hugs, Biz