One of the questions I get asked often is how I keep my grocery budget so low.  Well, one way is buying meat in my beloved meat bin – I probably save $20 a week on that tip alone, but I know not everyone is lucky as I am.  I bought filet mignon – a 1.25 pound package for $6 last week.

So here is my other tip – make one thing but morph it into many meals.  I made a batch of my sloppy joe’s this last weekend, the only substitution I made was used 12 ounces of ground turkey breast, and 4 ounces of ground sirloin, and I used Dak’s spices steakhouse seasoning in my mix.

I also used leftover skinny pizza dough – so many possibilties with this dough!  Then added Alouette brie, a couple tablespoons of the sloppy joe’s and chopped parsley.  My sloppy joe’s are a bit spicy, so no other seasoning was necessary.

These are a bit . . . rustic!  Since I only used an ounce of dough per empanada, the dough was thin,   Once I sealed them with a fork, I flipped it over, sprayed the flat side with avocado spray, then placed that side down in my air fryer – that was lined with parchment paper – that way you wont get the little dots on the bottom of your dough.  After 6 minutes I removed the parchment paper to finish the cooking process.

So let’s break down the points – 4 ounces of skinny pizza dough (4), 1/4 of the sloppy joe’s filling (2) and I don’t count the avocado spray.

My zero dipping sauce?  A tablespoon of hot sauce mixed with a couple tablespoons of non-fat yogurt.  So good!

reat way to use leftover slopyy joe’s or taco meat2izppy

Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!

An empanada recipe made with leftover sloppy joe meat and a zero point sauce on the side. A great Weight Watchers appetizer idea. The empanada dough is made from my skinny pizza dough and the empanada filling is only 3 ingredients. These come together at 6 points. #ww #weightwatchers #empanadas #sloppyjoes