I went to WW after nearly three weeks away – I was away for my trip to Certified Angus Beef and then on vacation.  I was up 3.2.  Which brings me up 2.4 or the year.

Maintenance isn’t a bad thing, I just would like to do it about 40 pounds lighter. 😀

So I decided to get my shit together and joined a couple challenges.  The first one is one my friend Marlena from Instagram suggested. She’s SO CLOSE to goal, but seems to be losing and gaining the same .5 pound.  She said when she had a plateau before, she did 500 flights on a stairmaster in 7 days.  She just said “any of you bitches want to join me?”  

I immediately said “yes please!”  Mind you, I’d only been to the gym twice since the middle of May.  I had no idea how long it would take to do 100 flights.

So Saturday I went to the gym to find out.  Um, turns out NEARLY FORTY MINUTES!  Holy shit.  

On Sunday, I completed my 200th flight.

Yesterday, when I got home from work, I wasn’t hungry right away, so decided to get the gym out of the way.  Note to self:  pack a gym bag to store in the car.  I hit pause at 40 flights so I could get a drink of water, and accidentally stopped the treadmill.  So I had to start over.

Which was the best thing I could have done.  See, math is not my friend.  I knew I wanted to beat my time of 37 minutes, and was hoping to hit 35 minutes.  I knew I jumped off at 12:54, but when the minutes were ticking by, I couldn’t figure out if I was even close, or even close to 40 minutes even though I felt like I was going faster.

Uh – I killed it – 33:13!!  My next goal is under 30 minutes.  I know I ‘ll get there!

Breakfast was 7 points – two red velvet pancakes (4), sugar free syrup (1) and a heaping tablespoons of City Hippie Granola (2).

Jenn and I walked Macy’s because it was hot.  When I got back to my desk I reheated my spinach and feta chicken sausage from Fresh Thyme.  The sausage is 3 points, the potatoes were 3 points.  So good!  That’s 0 point BBQ sauce (it was 10 calories so I don’t count that shit) which is a South Carolina  mustard from Blackwood BBQ that was leftover from a lunch event.

I finally ate dinner around 9:15.  Which really works well for me because I am full and it’s close to dinner and there is no temptation to see what’s in the pantry.  I made beef and black bean tostadas for 7 points.

I came in under my points and even managed to roll over two!  Holy cow!   

So just taking it day by day.  No lofty expectations, only making daily goals.  My friend Phil from Instagram and I are doing a 100 day challenge, to help you refocus your mindset if you were struggling, or let’s face it, not trying very hard like myself.

It’s simple.  Every day commit to something.  Get the the gym, drink your water, play outside with your kids instead of being on the computer, and then posting that to the world and seeing if it sticks.

That was mine for yesterday.  And I did it! 

Today is a rest day – I am at 300 flights of steps this week and have until Friday night to get in the last 200.  

Are you ready for our live event tonight?!  My friend Erica and I are having a #skinnypizzadough throw down tonight starting at 6:00 p.m. EST.

You need to follow Erica though because it’s going to be on her feed, and will be there for an additional 24 hours.  You can find her Instagram here.

So if you’ve been just going through the motions, not really trying, find something to get you out of that rut.  It doesn’t have to be a 500 flight challenge, just something different.

You can’t change if you don’t change what you are doing.  Happy Tuesday friends, make it a great day!