I love all of the Safe + Fair granolas, but I really puffy heart the blueberry cinnamon.  So good.  I was thinking of a different kind of “brunch” pizza I could make with the granola – but I had to make it sweet and savory because that’s my jam. 😀

For two pizzettes, as I am calling them, I used 1/3 cup of the granola.  WW peeps, the granola is 5 points per 1/3 cup, but only 130 calories.  Just eat it – you’ll love it, promise. 😀  I pulsed it in my food processor just until the bigger chunks were gone.

I decided after the pizza came out that I’d make a blueberry very berry sauce – but this time, I used lemon and ginger seltzer!  Game changer!

I thought I took a picture of it, but the seltzer was from Trader Joe’s.  I thought the lemon and ginger was a bit too gingery to drink by itself, but in this very berry sauce, it sings.  I did add a splash of diet lemonade to mine and that was delicious.  I bet vodka would be great too – ha!

I’ve had people send me their very berry sauce like it looks below and ask “Biz, what did I do wrong?” Nothing!  It looks like that until it starts to cook down – it literally only takes about 5 minutes – 7 minutes if you use frozen fruit.  Once cooled it can stay in your fridge for up to a week.

I did my first pizzette on Tuesday night, with cream cheese/mozzarella/very berry sauce and spinach.  While good – I thought I needed a bit more balance in the sweet/savory department.

At lunch I stopped and picked up goat cheese, basil and . . . wait for it, wait for it . . . BLUE CHEESE!  I know some of you just threw up in your mouth a bit, but trust me – the balance of all the flavors works!

I used 2 points of the granola (about 2 tablespoons) in two ounces of my skinny pizza dough.  I addd 14 grams of goat cheese (1 point).

Then topped it with an ounce of Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella (1).

I baked the pizzette on a regular cookie sheet for 12 minutes.  I let cool for a couple minutes before adding the very berry sauce, basil and blue cheese.

Guys.  This is so good!  Crispy crust, slightly sweet with just a hint of cinnamon.  Then the super fresh berry sauce paired so well with the salty cheese and that bite of blue cheese and fresh basil brought this all together.  #swoon

My friends at Safe + Fair have extended my discount code this month – 25% off the granola (and all their other goodies!) + free shipping!  Just use the discount code Biz25 – and this works for existing customers, not just new ones – whoop!

Should I post one more picture?  Um, okay!  You’re welcome. 😀

My mouth is literally watering as I type this!

Perfect crust too 😀  And that is on a regular cookie sheet – not a baking steel.

Show of hands how many of you would love this granola?  


The best part as that this is the perfect meal prep breakfast or brunch.  Both my skinny pizza dough and the best gluten free dough are best when they have been sitting in the fridge for a few days.  

Side note:  The first night I added the granola fresh to the dough and it was so crispy.  Last night the dough I used had the granola in it already and it sat in the fridge overnight – and while delicious, the crust didn’t get crispy – so I suggest adding the granola right before baking for the perfect crust. 😀

Maybe I’ll have Hannah make these for me for Mother’s Day. 😀

Happy Thursday friends – please tag me @mybizzykitchen on Instagram if you make this – I love to see your creations!

Make it a great day!