Happy Monday!  What a great weekend.  It started out going out to dinner with my roommates – I had a beer and steak kabobs.  I ran into old friends and it was fun catching up with them.  My late husband used to hate that no matter where we went, I was bound to run into someone I knew.  šŸ˜€

Went to my WW meeting on Saturday – got to see my friends MaryBeth and Jeana (Jen – miss you!) and even though I didn’t track one thing after my DietBet ended on Monday, I lost 1.2 this week.

Um, it was a meat bin win this weekend.   I stocked up and spent $55, but saved $93.21 had I paid full price for everything.  Score!  I stocked up on chicken breasts too – I only had two breasts left in my freezer.

I was bizzy in my kitchen – I have a chicken tender recipe for one in the air fryer, a skirt steak bolognese, that will morph into at least three different dishes for me this week:   you can check out my post I did for the Chopping Block for ideas on what to do with leftover pasta sauce.

Tonight I’ll be making it over crispy pan fried polenta – yum!

Saturday afternoon Hannah, Hannah’s MIL and I went and got our nails done – my piggies needed help and I know anyone who watches my Instagram stories will be happy to see nicely manicured nails – you’re welcome. šŸ˜€

OMG, the weather was so gorgeous this weekend.  I had both grills going both Saturday and Sunday – yum.

I am going to post this recipe later this week.  This is a dry rubbed pork shoulder that cooked low and slow in my Pit Barrel for about 7 hours.  So good.  My next door neighbor Charlie, the budding chef at age 12, tasted some and he told his Dad “this is better than Texas de Brazil!”  High compliments!

Our neighbors came over and hung out with us – first bonfire of the summer (well, even though it is April it felt like summer!).  Such a fun night.  And thanks to Hannah and Jacob for clearing up some of the brush in my yard – it will take all summer to clean up – so many downed trees over the years.

Jacob’s brother came over – a rare appearance so it was nice to see him.  Jacob’s Mom has 11 more weeks of chemo before she’s done.  She’s a trooper!

What a shocker that my Mom is with me on a holiday?!  Probably because I am her favorite.  Duh.   I changed into an actual dress.  I forgot to download the picture to this post, but the first “dress” I tried on was actually a bathing suit cover up.   Such a fashion blogger!

I love this picture of Hannah and Jacob.  They love each other so much, and are just such a great compliment to each other.

And there were a ton of outtakes – I will only post this one though šŸ˜€

It was a gorgeous day, great food and the perfect ending to a great weekend.  I tracked everything – I am doing an Instagram challenge to track all food for a week which started on Saturday.  I tracked everything – and had 33 points for dinner – or 10 points more than a normal day – BUT, I still have 16 weeklies left for the week and it’s already Monday.  I’ve got this.

So this is how we’ll slide into this week – I can’t believe a week from Wednesday will be May 1 already.  Rummy turned 7 over the weekend – such a diva!

Happy Monday – hope you had a great weekend – what was your highlight?  Let me know in the comments. 

Make it a great day – and don’t eat like an asshole – Love, Biz