Over the weekend on Saturday night, my Mom had a concert (we went to the Sunday production) so I was able to put together dinner for me and my brother’s family.  I made chicken fajitias – so good!  I’ll post the recipe for my homemade fajita seasoning tomorrow.

I made a side dish of 1 cup quinoa with 2 cups water – and once that cooked, I stirred in a drained can of black beans, added salt, pepper and Dak’s green zest seasoning.  Oh, and a squeeze of one lime.

The side dish was light, fluffy, yet full of flavor.  I think my brother and I were the only ones who liked it, so there was a lot leftover, and you know how I love a challenge – use up what you have before buying more.

I decided to make quinoa cakes for the base of my Sunday breakfast.  It couldn’t have been easier.  I took 3/4 cup of the quinoa mixture (which is about 1/2 cup of the quinoa – 3 points) and mixed in one scrambled egg and 1/3 cup of bread crumbs.

Then heated up about 1/2 a teaspoon of oil, some Pam spray, and cooked over medium heat for about 3 minutes a side.  My brother – always the joker!

The result?  Deliciousness.  The cakes were crisp on the top and bottom yet tender on the inside.  I topped them with spinach scrambled eggs and some hot sauce.  Each cake is only 2 smart points – I didn’t think I could eat all three, but I did. Duh.


I had my annual physical this morning.  I go to my endocronologist so much that I haven’t been to my GP for a couple years.  He wants me to start coming there once a year under the guise of an annual physical so that he can keep a check on my blood work.  My endo and his practice are not the same so the information can only be obtained from one to the other by request.  Makes sense to me!

This doctor was also my late husband’s doctor for years, which is why he became my GP.  I knew he would ask, and within a couple minutes of chatting, he asked “so how long has it been?”  When I told him it would be FIVE years in December, he couldn’t believe it.

The month after Tony died I left him a voicemail thanking him for his care with my husband.  I still saved his voicemail response from January 27, 2015:

“Thank you very much – you know Tony was one of my favorite patients.  It’s not easy on the doctor to go through these things, let me tell you.  But I appreciate you reaching out to me – it means more to me than you’ll know.”

So sweet.  Until he left that message it never really dawned on me how hard it may be on the doctors side to lose patients you cared for over several years – or decades in Tony’s case.  He could always make the doctor laugh – my husband definitely lit up a room when he walked into it.

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!!