My late husband Tony used to tell me all the time that my online friends aren’t really friends.  His argument always being “if you were to call them and ask them to drive you to the airport, would they?”  And if I told him the answer would be yes, he didn’t believe me.

Much like when Tony and I met online, the two women I met last night I never would have crossed paths with in real life it weren’t for our Instagram friendship.  Morgan is in her early 30s and Kyle is a year older than Hannah at 28.

While it looked like a gorgeous night in Chicago – the temps at 5:30 last night were still in the single digits, with wind chills below zero.  Looks pretty though and I love how light it is!

We decided to do happy hour at Fisk & Co.  This is the same restaurant that Jenn and I were invited to last week.  Um, can I just say it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a happy hour?  I messaged one of the girls we had lunch with (her Veronica!) and asked if I needed a reservation, and she said she’d take care of it.  Nice!

Um, I did not expect to get our first round or a complimentary appetizer, but thank you Veronica!!

We started out with mussels – holy balls were these delicious!  It came in a coconut curry broth that I literally could have eaten by the spoonful.  The mussels were super tender and delicious. 

We also split the smoked trout deviled eggs with espelette pepper.

We also got the chilled cauliflower salad with capers and golden raisins.  I need to recreate this one at home.

And because it was dark, I decided to borrow a couple of photos from the internet:

And a better picture of their mussels – holy balls, if you like mussels, this is the place to go – a pound of them for $20!

We laughed and the conversation was effortless – it was like we were old friends that hadn’t seen each other in a while.  Love.  We all said this was the first of many get togethers!  And as a total coincidence, I work with Morgan’s Dad – he’s an attorney at my office – small world!

When I got home, I got this package:

Julie is an Instagram follower and she saw that I mentioned that someone else had this sign and I was jealous!  She thought “I can make one for Biz!”  I had completely forgotten that I gave her my address, but I love this so much.  Julie has an adult form of muscular dystrophy and is in a wheel chair, but didn’t let that stop her from losing 50 pounds on WW.  Makes your excuses seem a bit week, no?!  What an inspiration!

She has a Facebook “store” if you want to check out her creations, or get a sign like mine.  I literally have to tell myself that mantra at least 10 times a day.  You can check out her link here.

Today is my mammogram!   Jacob’s mom is almost done with week two of her chemo for breast cancer after having a double mastectomy in January.  I literally thought I had gone just a few years ago – it was 2013!!  

After that I am headed to Hannah’s office to check that out, and Jacob is meeting us for lunch.

I also have a WW dinner tonight too – so much activity!!  I love it.

Alright, time to shower and remind myself not to put deodorant on and double-check the dos and don’t before having one.  

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day – and don’t eat like an asshole. 

Love, Biz