Every time I make chia pudding I am reminded how much I love it.  Just remember 3 tablespoons chia seeds per one cup of liquid. I used unsweetened almond milk.  I made this on Sunday and didn’t eat it until yesterday – it takes a couple days to puff up, but will last in your fridge up to a week.

My sister and I had fun at Macy’s – we tried on leggings that looked like dress pants – so comfy!  We thought they were on sale, but the were still $42.50  – a bit steep for this Goodwill girl.

Lunch was my leftovers from Monday night.  OMG, this bruschetta chicken is so good!!  I am going to do a post on it next week.  So delicious.  This whole plate is only 5 points – 3 for the potato and 2 for the chicken.

Jacob loves pot roast.  But his Mom’s pot roast.  I’ll link the recipe here – he basically said “all you need are those three packets.”  Those packets would be dry Italian seasoning, brown gravy mix and ranch dressing.  I seasoned my beef with Dak’s steak seasoning for 24 hours – I have both London broil and chuck roast in there.  I defrosted the London broil to have Sunday dinner, but that fell through, so I had to use up both meats.  Not mad about that though!

Hannah just ate the gravy with the noodles.  My only misstep was to not call Jacob earlier in the day to turn off the crock pot.  Mine actually starts to boil after a while, so part of the meat was overcooked (the London broil) but the chuck roast was spectacular.

A set it and forget it dinner – love!

Guess who slept with me last night?  That would be Dallas.  He cried for Hannah and Jacob for about a minute, then settled down.  He slept in between my legs on top of the covers.  But this morning came up and snuggled by me – mostly with his face on top of my face. 😀

And tonight I am not making beef or pork!  I know – that’s tomorrow. 😀  These mini falafel bites are so good – I was doing some work on my blog over the weekend and there are so many recipes that I’ve forgotten about, but most likely you will have everything to make these.  If you have skinny pizza dough you can make naan to go with this! 

I had poor internet connection on the train ride into work this morning, so I am just going to stop here, hit publish and fingers crossed it posts.

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day, and don’t eat like an asshole.  Love, Biz