It’s cold AF in Chicago.  Right now it’s -9 with the windchill feels like -26.  And it’s only going to get colder – gah.  

Last night I was under the blankets sipping coffee, when Hannah and Jacob said “do you smell that?”  No.  I have no sense of smell.  Which is one of the reasons I think my late husband married me – unless I heard him fart I never smelled it!

After a bit of investigation, it seemed it had to do with the furnace.  Great.  We replaced our furnace in 2001 – not THAT long ago in my mind.  My husband used to explain house shit to me all the time.  I half listened.  My realization is “why would I ever have to know that?”  That’s why I had my husband – well, not the only reason mind you, but that’s what he was good at – maintaining the house shit and the yard.  I cooked and took care of all the house paperwork.  In the near 14 years we were married my husband never opened a piece of mail.  Ever.

Well turns out, that photo above is a burned out furnace motor.  That is of an unusual horsepower, which Nick – best tech evah – said he didn’t have on his truck and he’d have to come back today.

Thank goodness for our wood burning stove!  We got that going, turned off the furnace, buried ourselves under 4 layers of blankets and fell asleep.  It was glorious – I love in the winter (well, not when it’s that cold out) to sleep under all the covers with the window open just a crack to have the cold air on my face.

I don’t know how to change the time on the thermostat, but that temp was at 6:37 am this morning when we woke up.  46!

I told Nick that I’d make him donuts when he came today with the new motor.  I think he thought I was kidding.  Um, I don’t kid about food!

These are super easy cake donuts – just mix, roll out and deep fry.  No, I haven’t tried them in an air fryer because I don’t have one, and I haven’t tried to bake them.  I put the recipe into the WW recipe builder and one donut + hole is only 4 points.  #winning

I just used two biscuit cutters to cut out the donuts.

I rolled out the dough several times after punching out the donuts and got 20 donuts out of this recipe – I believe that is a 3 inch biscuit cutter.

I fried these at 375 for about a minute per side.

Once I let them drain, just tossed them in a cinnamon sugar mix.

I also made a few with a chocolate glaze – I only did the recipe builder for the cinnamon sugar ones since I was giving these away to Nick the tech.  The chocolate glaze is 3 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder and 2 teaspoons unsweetened almond milk.


Does it suck that I had to spend $819 on a new furnace motor?  Yep. 

But my roommates offered to pay for half, so that helps.  And I have an unexpected day off from work today – so that’s a bonus!

So I sent Nick on his way with a bag of chocolate glazed donuts, and a bag of cinnamon sugar donuts, and well, he needed a to go cup of coffee, no?  I mean, I run a full service restaurant!

Still counting my blessings.  It’s all good – there are worse world problems and just a tiny bump in this road we call life.

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!  And don’t eat like an asshole.

Love, Biz