My recipes are finally somewhat organized!!!  Huge props to my brother who spent hours on fixing my site over the weekend – it means so much to me Charlie – thank you!!

Most of my traffic comes from mobile devices – you’ll see the three lines on the left – click that and you’ll see “My Bizzy Recipes!”

I have a several categories . . .you’ll see three of the last posts for that category . . .

Breakfast . . . then click “start your day here and you’ll find the next 24 recipes, click again and you’ll get the next 24 – yes, I have that many recipes!

Beef . . .

Seafood . . .

Pork . . .

Soup . . . 

Sides . . .

Desserts . . . 

I also have a poultry category too, must not have taken a screen shot of that.  

I only have about 3200 posts where I haven’t categorized the recipe correctly – I was confusing tags with categories.  My hope in the next couple months is to show the points for the foods in the “excerpt” under each photograph, and tag recipes with the right points so that if you are looking for a 5 point beef dinner, you can search beef and 5 points and pull just those recipes.  THANK YOU SO MUCH CHARLIE!!!

I had such a fun weekend – we did what I love doing – just sitting around, no concrete plans, playing games and laughing.  We laughed so much!

We never ended up going to my sisters house on Saturday because her family was sick, so we stayed home and I made lasagna and my brother and I made his famous potato soup – that he did a guest for me back in November 2014 when Tony was sick – it posted a week before Tony died.  We had such a great time.  Laughter is the best medicine!

Thank you for your hospitality Momma!  Charlie, Laura and Rachel – it was great seeing you!

Hannah and Rachel 😀

I didn’t eat like an asshole the day after Thanksgiving – watched my portions.  Hannah spent the night on Saturday night and woke up early to get Weber’s donuts – so good!  I incorporated it into my healthy breakfast – 4 points for 1/2 a chocolate cake donut, and I made a zucchini omelette with Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella for 1 points.  Delicious!

That being said, a group of us are promoting a post-thanksgiving restart this week.  It’s to help with the “holiday season” frenzy that is upon us.  This week – just Monday through Friday, tracking everything honestly – 10,000 steps and 80 ounces of water.  The water will be the hardest for me, but I am going to make it work.

How did you do over the holiday season?  Did you track anything, or just throw your hands up in the air like you didn’t care?!

Insane that we are almost to December 1 – let’s not get sucked into the “I’ll just restart in January.”  We can do it!  Let me know if you are in! 

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!!