I made the ultimate breakfast pizza!  You all know how much I love my pizza.  I am thrilled that so many people are loving my skinny pizza dough – it’s just a few additional ingredients to the @ww 2 ingredient dough that’s been going around the interwebs since Greek yogurt is “free” on their new Wellness Works program.  

One of my Instagram friends Wendy (wwg4life) has lost 130 pounds on WW so far – and she has some amazing recipes on her Instagram.  She uses simple ingredients like me, and I stopped in my tracks earlier last week when I saw that she made a breakfast pizza . . . using breakfast gravy for the sauce!  What the what?!

When I hit up the meat bin after WW on Saturday, I also picked up a packet of gravy – so easy – one cup of water to the mix, microwave for 2-3 minutes, stirring once, and you are good to go.  I would let the gravy cool a bit before adding it to your dough – otherwise the heat from the gravy might “cook” through the dough.

Not that I know that personally, I just heard it from a friend. 😀  1/4 cup of the gravy is only one smart point, I decided I’d start with that and add more if I needed it – turns out 1/4 cup was plenty for my 6 inch pizza.

I used this Jennie-O turkey sausage as my “loose” sausage much like I would use Italian sausage.  I am cooking my pizza at 500 degrees for at least ten minutes, so there is no need to cook this sausage ahead of time – trust me on this. 😀  It’s one smart point per ounce, and I used two ounces on my pizza.

I used 4 ounces of dough (4) and spread the 1/4 cup of cooled breakfast gravy on top (1).

I decided to add red pepper and mushrooms.

Then added two ounces of Trader Joe’s mozzarella cheese (2).  Which Hannah has let me know that I have three different bags of the same cheese opened and wondered why I wouldn’t just open one at a time.  Um, because I like to do it like that. 😀  Just like I don’t mind putting a leftover container on the shelf with “beverages.”  

The tater tots were decided when my friend Jen and I went to the Dollar General and they had a package for – duh, $1.  I just threw them on my Baking Steel while my oven got to temp for about 10 minutes – they didn’t fully cook until I finished them off on the pizza.  1.5 ounces of tots was 2 points.

When I use my parchment paper, I sometimes write down the ingredients and points as I go so I don’t forget.  This whole pizza was 11 points.

I also added pickled jalapenos last minute and that was a great decision.

I’ve gotten many questions about the difference between a baking stone and baking steel.  I used to swear by baking stones.  But I like to cook my pizzas between 500-550 degrees, and after only several months of use, I found my stones cracking and breaking.  And they weren’t cheap!

The Baking Steel is just that – a heavy piece of steal, and it holds the heat so well and it will never break.  Now, I may have rinsed it off at one point or another, and not completely dried it, so I do have a couple rusty spots, but I just take steel wool and scrub it off.

I always build my pizza on the parchment paper and carry the parchment paper with the pizza on it – directly to the steel.  The steel gets really really hot, so it’s easy to put the pizza on and off the stone with the parchment paper.  

I used to work in a bar and made probably 200 pizzas a night for years.  The Baking Steel is the only product I’ve used to get close to those super hot commercial ovens I used to use.  

It’s expensive – $89 to start, but totally worth the price.  I am sure you’ve bought pizza for a group of people, you’d spend that at least.  My Mom, Hannah and Jacob went in on one for me a few Christmas’ ago, and I used it several times a week.  Best crust evah!  And for the record, I have no affiliation with Baking Steel, no affiliate link or sponsor – I just want everyone to have great pizza at home.  You’re welcome. :D. You really need to make this ultimate pizza.  Also check out my Detroit Style Pizza!

I was only able to eat 3/4 of this pizza!! #nsv for sure 😀  But I really don’t think I can have breakfast pizza without breakfast gravy again 😀


You guys!!!  Hannah and Jacob celebrated their FIRST ANNIVERSARY on Saturday.  Yes, I am shouting that because I can’t believe its been a year already.  They went out to breakfast, went thrifting, took a nap, then went out to dinner at the same place we had their wedding dinner at.  They had a great day!

In other news, I was down again on the scale this week!  I wasn’t expecting a loss because of shark week, but was pleasantly surprised.  Still counting calories with points.  I am also continuing not to eat like an asshole on the weekend and then try to make up for it during the week.  Water is still a struggle, especially now since the weather is colder.  I told myself though I had to drink 32 ounces of water before drinking coffee, and I really wanted coffee so that helped!

Of course I hit up the Meat Bin after WW.  Lots of good stuff!  I spent $36 on meat for the next two weeks – which included three New York strip steaks for about $3 each.  We had those for Sunday dinner last night.

Mom, you’ll be happy to know that my roommates and I cleaned out the gutters and did some yard work (blowing leaves, etc.).  With the three of us, it was pretty quick – like a solid 45 minutes of adulting on a Sunday.  To reward ourselves, we went to a local real estate office parking lot that had dogs for adoption.  No, we are not looking to add onto the two dogs.  

But we enjoyed holding tiny dogs, and petting big dogs.  These two were hysterical – so tiny!!

And this tiny dog who was just chilling.  So cute!  

It was a great weekend.  I have lots of recipes to share this week.  First, I am updating my photos for my buffalo chicken chili – it’s about time – that post is nearly 9 years old!  I also made some delicious biscuits.  I made apple butter – so Bizzy in My Kitchen!   It was good for my soul.

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!!