Ever since we went apple picking in early September, it’s been “what else can I make with apples!”  And I am not sad about it.  I’ve literally had an apple a day (at least!) since then.  Instead of drinking wine and potato chips on the train ride home, I am eating an apple!  Go me!  


This is a honeycrisp apple – I don’t know how it would work with a softer apple like a macintosh?

Mix the batter together.  Now, I didn’t have a problem with the batter sticking at all, but I had several people make these after I posted it and the batter didn’t stick.  So I made another batch, this time dipping the apple in a bit of flour, then dunking in the batter, and it worked out really well.  So let’s go with that! 

Then just cook like you would any pancake – I cooked mine slightly longer, about 3 minutes a side.  Oh, and I thought I’d be fancy and add a bit of bacon bits to the batter, but it didn’t stick very well, so I just drizzled it over the top of the pancakes when I was done.

So pretty!

The batter above was enough to coat 12 apple slices, or two large apples.  For each serving of 3 apple ring pancakes, it was only 2 points, so I could easily spend more points on whipped cream and bacon bits!


I brought some leftover for my breakfast yesterday, and while good, they kind of lost their magic as they tasted the day I made them.  Probably because the moisture from the apple kind of made the pancake a bit soggy?  If I had a toaster oven at work, I would have reheated them in a toaster oven.  It may be different if I freeze them right away and reheat?  I’ll let you know. 

My sister had a lunch obligation for work, and I had every intention of getting my walk in, got about two blocks from my office and it down poured. 

I cooked some chicken breast before work, and as I was about to leave, thought my lunch was a bit boring and last minute threw in some TJ’s pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese.  Now that plate looks better!  Kind of like a skinny chicken parm on the fly.   Four points for the whole plate.  

I didn’t have to work late last night – whoop!  I had every intention of going to the gym, but I’ve had the worst cramps (TMI!) the last couple days.  I cannot wait to go into menopause.  I don’t care if I am hot, or sweat, I just want to be done with it.  I think every month for 40 years is enough, no?!

So I took it easy last night.  I sipped on coffee, dinner came together in a few minutes because I made my beef and bean chili over the weekend.  This time with round steak that I got from the meat bin that was in the freezer.  I was out of corn, so I didn’t use that, but still so tasty on a cold night.  Our temps dropped like a stone – high of 82 yesterday and this morning I woke up to 39 degrees.  Yes please!

The night before last I tried a microwave chocolate cake that WW posted – it was a banana, an egg and cocoa powder.  That’s it.  I added Splenda to that recipe, made it, and it tasted like a wet chocolate banana sponge.  Ew.

So I was determined to come up with a low point chocolate cake that didn’t taste like ass.  I am very close!  I added a bit too much salt to this one, so only had a few bites – the texture is definitely better.  I’ll tweak it a bit further and post it when I love it.  I’m 85% there.

I set my alarm for PM last night instead of AM and felt a bit rushed this morning.  I hate that!  I went to bed at 10:15 last night because I wanted to walk down by the river – I thought it would be really foggy over the water because of the drastic change in temps, but I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to check it out.

Happy Thursday friends!  Make it a great day!  Only 82 days left until 2019!!  Make good choices 😀