Since I was off work for my diabetes doctor appointment, I slept in until 8:00 – so nice!  The dogs were happy about that too.  But I have to tell you, after eating Popeyes the night before, I woke up not feeling the greatest.  My Insta friend Kim always says that when you eat shit you end up feeling like shit, and she’s right.  I only drank coffee for the first couple hours while I knocked stuff off my to do list.

  • Finish June budget and pay June bills
  • Do laundry (wash, dry, fold AND put away)
  • Grocery List
  • Put together garbage and recycled stuff

Sounds kind of boring, but I was happy to get that stuff done.  Finally around 10:00 I started to get hungry.  And you know how I love my crunchy tacos!  These two tacos come in at 7 smart points – 3 for the tortillas, 2 for the beef, and 2 for the cheese.  I Pam fried these low and slow so they were so crispy.

breakfast tacos

I had to pick up something at Hobby Lobby and I almost felt I was cheating on Hannah because she and I love that store so hard.  We could literally spend two hours in there looking and touching all the stuff.  But here’s the deal – we don’t NEED anything in that store, but we WANT it all.

Case in point – I bought the coffee one!

My doctor appointment wasn’t until 2:45 – you may be wondering why I had to take the whole day off for that – it boils down to the location of my doctors office (which used to be convenient to my old job) and the train schedule.  During the middle of the day the trains run every ninety minutes, and are not express, making them an hour and twenty minutes long.  Logistically it doesn’t work out.

And my doctor is always late.  Like every.single.time.  Doesn’t matter if I have the first appointment of the day or the last.  Yesterday I waited an hour.  I really like him, so that’s his saving grace.  Same conversation every time, and then at the very end, he’ll kindly say “l saw your weight and I’d really like you to be around 140 – can we start working on that?”  Ha!

Because I was a good girl and did my semi-annual doctors appointment, that deserved a pedicure, no?  I went to a new salon by Trader Joe’s because I had to pick up chicken tenders and chicken cilantro wontons for Hannah.  This place in Lake Zurich costs $29 for a regular pedicure.  Curious what you guys pay where you live??

OMG, this was so nice!  I got a salt scrub message, heated towel wrap and a paraffin heel treatment while she painted my nails.  Every time I get a pedicure I ask myself why I don’t do it more often, my feet feel so good.  And on one TV they had HGTV and on the other Food Network!  #love

The heated towels felt so good.

My heels feel like a baby’s bottom. 😀

Ally, I think its funny that you can recognize my feet they are that distinctive.  Fun fact:  one foot is a size and a half smaller than the other – one is size 8 and the other is 6 1/2 – I blame my twin sister – she probably was sitting on the smaller foot so it couldn’t grow. 😀

The delay in the doctor appointment, plus the traffic getting back home after my pedicure, threw me off my grilling game.  I picked up this turkey from Trader Joe’s – $2.99 for the package and 10 slices is only 1 point.  It was really tasty.  And I bought mango and the first cherries of the season, which are delicious and worth the $5 price tag.  I realized I would just make a simple charcuterie board with what I had on hand.   It’s basically leftovers placed on a plate to look as if you planned it to look like this. 😀

The points on the plate – 5 slices of turkey – 1 point; two tablespoons garlic hummus – 2 points, one ounce sharp cheddar cheese – 4 points, and 23 pretzel thins – 3 points.  

My eyes were bigger than my stomach, and I probably ate half the plate, but of course I ate all the cheese – duh.  This is a summer picky plate at its finest – I am loving all the fruit.  Lynne, that spicy salt you gave me from Penzey’s?  I sprinkled just a touch over the watermelon and mango and it’s amazeballs.

I am so excited about tonight!!  I am meeting up with some of my favorite Weight Watcher Instagrammers who are coming in from New York, plus meeting a lot of local WW’s too – we have 15 people at last count and it will be so nice to meet these friends in real life.  

Then I am leaving on a jet plane on Sunday!  Certified Angus Beef is sending me on an all expense beef trip to Kansas for the 40th anniversary of Blythe Family Farm.  Um, I think there may be some delicious beef in my near future.  I’ll be doing stories on Instagram and will post my dinner Sunday night on Monday.  

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!!