Knowing I was going to Cooking Club last night, I keep my eats to a minimum during the day.  I really loved this picky plate – hard boiled eggs with Tabasco sriracha, sliced Fuji apple and two teaspoons of reduced fat Jif – 2 points. 😀

I hit up a salad bar to accessorize my pasta – every time I eat a a salad I ask myself “why don’t I eat more salads?”  So many possibilities!

I zipped through work so I could leave at 4:30, to catch the 4:45 express train – holy balls I want to take that train every day – I made it back to my station in Cary at 5:39!!   Hannah met me at the station with my food – I asked her to take my beef out of the fridge and bring me everything else I needed for my entree as head chef.  The day started out with snow on the ground, and by the time I got to Courtney’s house, it was near 50!  

That’s Courtney on the left – and Catherine on the right – they met each other 9 years ago when their boys were little and have been best friends ever since.

In case you are wondering how I got in the Cooking Club, it’s because I used to work for Courtney’s brother in law at a law firm I worked at.  Courtney also once upon a time worked in the office of a building I worked at too – and every time I forgot my gym key, I’d have to knock on her door and ask “Hey Courtney can you let me in?!” 


Our friend MaryBeth has a new addition to the family – she looks like an actual doll.  She didn’t peep once the whole night and I got to hold her for a little bit – it’s been a while since I held a 3 month old.

You guys, this is the LEAST amount of pictures I’ve taken at Cooking Club!  I also didn’t get everyones recipes, so I will have to add them in later.  But holy balls, this was delicious – Donna made this cheese dip – it had goat cheese, ricotta, basil, seasonings and blistered cherry tomatoes with crusty bread – yum!  She basically had me at goat cheese.

Courtney made this chilled shrimp toast – holy balls was that good – and I’ll have to see if she has that recipe on her blog. And I am not sure why this picture is on its side?!

Since I was head chef, um, of course I had to make Certified Angus Beef!  I did my take on a surf and turf.  I did filet mignon with shrimp cocktail with a garlic and parsley compound butter.  Since it was our last Cooking Club of the season (we are on a school calendar) I thought let’s go big!

This is so easy anyone can do this – I used two Lodge cast iron skillets to start them out for 8 minutes total, then finished them off in a 450 degree oven for 2 minutes – 10 minutes total for 8 ounce filets, let rest 5 minutes, then dig in!

On the left of my plate MaryBeth made a spiralized beet and carrot side dish – so good!   Bottom of the plate was Catherine’s roasted potatoes with green beans and fennel – and on the right is Tina’s Thai salad that was so bright and fresh – I’ll have to see if that recipe is on her blog too.

My plate:

I ate about half my steak (Jacob got theleftovers!) but ate everything else on my plate.   With the shrimp crostini and the amazing cheese dip, I was like “poke a fork in me, I am done!” 


Well, that was before Lindsay started describing her dessert – death by chocolate brownie truffle!  Um, hells yes that was insulin worthy!!  She used a boxed brownie mix from Trader Joe’s, along with a prepared chocolate moose that Trader Joe’s sells and I am pissed I didn’t know this earlier – mixed with Cool Whip and chopped heath bars . . . I had a small bowl and it was delicious!

I am so happy that everyone loved the beef, hopefully learned some beef tips.  My internet is spotty hear on the train today, so I am going to have to hit publish now but tonight I’ll update with my recipe for the surf and turf, along with the other recipes that I have.  

That’s probably the best compliment “that was legit one of the best hunks of meat I’ve ever had!”

Food is love!

But I am still full from dinner and will probably have just a banana this morning at my desk.


I have plans this weekend and the weather might actually be okay!  You guys will be happy to know that I am going to meet in real life – JESSICA from How Sweet Eats!  You know how much I love her cookbook – and my 50th birthday blog giveaway winner of her cookbook will get a personalized book signed by Jessica tomorrow.  

And Sunday morning I am going to a private event at Eataly with Teri from No Crumbs Left – if you don’t follow her, you should – she has amazing recipes, especially if you are doing Whole 30.  I haven’t been to Eataly in a long time, but I know I’ll be doing some shopping there – probably at the cheese counter. 😀

I’ll be going to WW tomorrow, even though I have no idea how the weigh in will go.  I’ve decided not to weigh myself except for at WW – I’ve had LOTS of extra licks, tastes, wine, etc. this week, but we’ll see.

Best news of all though?  I THINK MY BRONCHITIS IS GONE!  Like legit, I woke up this morning and it’s the first time in weeks (a couple months?!) that I haven’t started my day hacking up a lung.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!