Some birthday parties I had for Hannah when she was growing up were so warm I had water balloons and other times I was shoveling five inches of snow.

I remember her 7th birthday she was going to a Young Scientists Club at school from 9-12 in the morning.  It was perfect because I still needed to finish her cake, it snowed and I had to shovel the walk and I could do any last minute things for her afternoon birthday party.

Only one tiny problem.  My usually independent “see you later” daughter asked me to stay the entire time during the workshop.  Doh!  I thought, no big deal, while the kids eat lunch, I can finish decorating the cake – the only thing I never got to was shoveling the walk.  I just remember this Dad carrying his daughter to the front door and giving me the stink eye for not shoveling.  Whatevs!

I think Hannah is 2 1/2 in this picture?  All I know is that girl has always had a love affair for bags, even to this day.  If we are thrifting and she drifts over to the handbag section, I need to pull her away stat!  She would fill her bags with anything she could find, and we realized one night that she had put nearly every spoon we had in her bags because she could reach that section of the utensil drawer.  She was also fond of putting tomato past and tuna in her bags too.

I am so pound of the woman she has become, and have loved having her and Jacob here with me these last few years.  We joke that they are just going to stay here until I retire, then build me a tiny house in the back yard and they will take over the house and I’ll live in the tiny house. 

I had hoped to post Jacob’s amazeball soup today, and while Hannah took the photos and sent them to me, I didn’t realize until I got on the train this morning that I never actually got the recipe from him!  I think Hannah wrote it down as he was making it, so that will have to be posted later this week.  It will be worth the wait.

Last night I defrosted a New York strip for dinner, but it was still pretty frozen and I didn’t want to risk defrosting it in the microwave, so on to Plan B!  In case you are wondering, pizza will always be Plan B. I made another batch of my skinny pizza dough – I think it’s a lot easier to work with than the two ingredient dough.  

On #wwfreestyle 1/4 of the dough is 5 points, on #backto30 or #returnto30 its 6 points.  Then you just need to count the toppings.  I used 1 ounce of TJs light mozzarella (1), a few pinches of extra sharp cheddar (1), two ounces of chicken (1) and a drizzle of ranch on top (1), so my pizza was 10 points.  The base of this pizza is more Frank’s hot sauce and minced garlic.  So good!

I normally top my buffalo pizza with blue cheese crumbles and chopped celery, but I was told by Hannah that I can’t buy anymore food until I use up the food I have.  She’s a task master that one!

Since we have so many March birthdays, we are all celebrating together at the end of the month.  Tonight Hannah wanted to go to The Lucky Monk – haven’t been there in a long time and they have amazing burgers (and pizza!). šŸ˜€

Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!