Being diabetic, I go to the doctor twice a year.  Once a year with the endocrinologist and once with the nurse practitioner.  Yesterday’s appointment was with the nurse. I missed my last appointment because I just started working downtown so couldn’t take the day off.  My last appointment was a year ago.

Of course the first thing they do is weigh you. I got on the scale, and with clothes on, weighed 164.

We go to the room and she starts entering stuff into her computer and she said “wow, last year at this time you weighed in at 179!”

And my only thought was “I still feel really fat.”  I should be proud of the loss, but I’ve been on the struggle bus lately and I am trying to get the bus drivers attention so that he can pull over and I can get off.


It was nice to have a leisurely breakfast yesterday.  Have you guys bought Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella? It’s only 1 point an ounce and melts really well.

I made a low carb breakfast burrito for 6 points.

My doctors office is right near a giant Japanese grocery store. I had forgotten about these Yaki-Soba noodles.  Only 4 points a serving.

I love how they are portioned out. Because they are cooked, that leftover beef stirfry was ready in about 6 minutes.  8 points for lunch.

I ran some errands (Zen your package is on its way!) and went to the gym. The first time in I don’t know how long. I did a treadmill walk on an incline and even though I walk a lot, I felt so out of shape.  I have to make the gym part of my routine again.


My store had tomatoes for .39 a pound, so I made a big pot of marinara sauce.  I made penne pasta with Italian sausage for 13 points.

  Jacobs Dad came over around 6 and they started working on the back room flooring. My house was built in 1922, and the room isn’t square so it’s a bit of a challenge – they worked until 11 last night, and they think it will be done today.

Here is how it looked this morning. I plan on getting an area rug like the one I have in the living room:

I also need to find a new chair for that room too.  I am hoping with the long weekend we can put Hannah and Jacobs stuff they don’t need in the attic and get my dining room and living room back in order.

It’s rainy today, so my sister and I may have to walk the under ground pedway today.  Kym, I’ll take pictures for you ????

Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!