It was already a balmy 60 degrees when I left the house yesterday morning – love!  I think my ideal temps would be from 50-70 degrees, no humidity. That’s not too much to ask of Chicago, is it?!   I made a mason jar parfait for my train breakfast – one container Chobani (2), strawberries, bananas, a little drizzle of sugar free pancake syrup and 1/2 tablespoon chia seeds (1).

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I am loving our new work space.  What I am not loving is that the stuff my bosses don’t want in their offices has somehow piled up at my desk, and I am not a happy camper about that.  I still have four boxes of stuff I need to unpack, but now have no where to put it.  Hopefully I’ll have some down time today to find a spot to put their stuff.  My boss had a lunch meeting, but he was the only one getting food.  Normally hospitality takes care of food, but I told the woman who normally orders food not to worry about it (she’s still getting situated too, with new food options around our new office, etc.).   Hannah’s Bretzel is right around the corner, so I picked a sandwich up for my boss, and got a fruit bowl and a small container of almonds (4) for myself.

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Note to self:  buy fresh mint and put it on all your fresh fruit.  It was so good!!  I could eat a giant container of that fruit.

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My sister has been off the last two days, so I’ve gotten my walking shoes on.  Yesterday I walked to Millenium Park and Maggie Daley Park – such a pretty walk.  By the time I got back to my desk, I was already at 10,000 steps!  Right now I am in two fit bit challenges for the week, and it does push me to get more steps in every day.

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When I got home, the kadults found out that their house closing is being pushed back a week.  This is a sellers market, and the appraisal wasn’t going to get finished in time.  I know they are so anxious to move out, but this is just a small bump in the road.  Hannah is so cute, she went to Aldi yesterday and bought all the staples for her new kitchen – seasonings, flour, sugar, etc.  They both keep asking “what else do you think we need?”  I told them they should just wait to move in and then decided what’s necessary, instead of buying something you may not use (a crock pot!).

And you know I have so much kitchen stuff, I told Hannah she could take anything she wanted.  Well, except the deep fryer.  She can’t have that.  Or my cast iron skillets.  She can’t have that either.  Kidding!  I plan on giving her a couple of my cast iron skillets, but I am serious about keeping the deep fryer.

They suggested we go out to eat, and even though I had stuff to make burgers at home, we went to our local restaurant and sat outside and had wonderful conversation.  As I sat there listening to them talk, I looked over at Hannah and thought “where did my little girl go?”  It seemed just like yesterday she was in 5th grade, with hair down to her butt and the tallest girl in the class (fast forward to freshman year of high school and she was one of the shortest!)

I am so very proud of them.  They asked if I would miss them and I will of course, but a parents job is to give your kids wings to let them fly, not keep a leash on them to keep them with you.  The circle of life!

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I love this place (Cary Ale House) because they have such interesting beers on tap.  That beer is a NW Pale Ale from Deschutes Brewery out of Oregon.  So good!  That pour is worth every bit of the 6 smart points it cost me.

That burger is their signature Pub Burger.  It’s a 7 ounce angus beef burger, and I will always love a place that will cook a burger medium rare for me.  This burger is perfection – soft bun, good bun to patty ratio, perfectly seasoned – I just asked for it without the icky red onions.  That would have ruined it.

I immediately cut it in half, and asked for a take out box.  I put the fries in the box with the second half of the burger and ate 1/2 of this burger.  It was delicious, and my guess is that half is 10 smart points.

Because dinner was 16 points, I went over by 2 points for the day, no big. I still have 15 weekly points left for the week, and tomorrow is my WI day, so it’s all good.

Speaking of WI, I think my WW meeting is even closer to this new office – I’ll have to check that out.  Hopefully if my sister isn’t tooswamped today, she can go walking with me, athough I think we have rainy weather in the forecast coming up for the next several days – I think the next time I’ll see the sun is next Wednesday!

Question of the Day:  How do you like your burger?  I know a lot of people who like them well done – just curious!

Make it a great day!