We made it through Monday – whew!  It was fun reading all the comments about the creamed spinach – I think it was 25% delicious and 75% baby barf 😀

The winner of the Weight Watchers journal is . . . Emily “I love creamed spinach, haven’t had it in ages though. That is a beautiful picture of you and your mom!”

Congrats Emily – send me your mailing address to mybizzykitchen@gmail.com 😀


There is no way that I could make breakfast look good, but believe me, it was tasty!  Three ounces of leftover beef roast, a hard boiled egg with guacamole and cantaloupe.

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We had temps near 70 so there was no way I wasn’t going to get my lunch time walk in, but the weather was a bit iffy – it looked and felt like it could storm any minute.

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My Aunt sent me this spicy pineapple fruit ketchup for my birthday.  OMG, this is so good.  To be honest, I wasn’t sure how I was going to use it, but this worked perfect with my lunch.  I used a tablespoon over my shrimp cocktail and sautéed asparagus and mushrooms.  When I was on my walk though, I realized that this plate of food was only going to be 3 smart points, so I picked up a cup of Al’s Beef no bean chili to eat later if this didn’t hold me that well.

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While I ate everything on that plate, but by 4:30 I was hungry, so heated up the chili – I have no idea how many points to count it, but I picked 7.  I loved the flavor, but not the texture as much, I guess I thought there would be chunks of beef since there were no beans.  If I had a container of queso and mixed it with this chili – it would make an amazeball chili dip.

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Since our office is moving in a couple weeks, I’ve been bringing stuff that I don’t use that often, and brought home a box of chocolate Cheerios that I used for parfaits.  And wouldn’t you know it I ate about a cup and a half of the cereal on the train ride home.   And it was a lower carb day!  That set me back 8 smart points.  It was just mindless eating, and I ended up throwing out the box before I got to my car.

Check out the temperature drop from when I stepped out of my office:

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My Aunt also sent me this seasoning at Christmas (can you tell I cleaned out my pantry?!).  I bought a package of chicken legs for $1.80 and seasoned the chicken with this chicken seasoning: overnight.

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 I was trying to figure out a side dish that all of us could eat and decided to make a zucchini gratin.  Hannah and Jacob were home and they joined me for dinner – Hannah just made smoked sausage for her protein, but they both gave this side dish two thumbs up 😀


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That drop of cheese sauce on the napkin is driving me crazy – I didn’t notice it until I downloaded my pictures.  Oh well, I am klassy with a K!


Hannah has been telling me for a couple weeks to buy new pants – my size 14’s were too big, so I hit up my local thrift store and bought 5 pairs of pants for $28.  I paid $5 for these Bill Blass jeans – size 12!!  I love how they are the perfect length.  I have my next diabetes doctor appointment on May 23, and I am going to have them measure me – I may have shrunk and could be 5.1? 

It’s been a while since I fit into size 12’s – so exciting!

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So it wasn’t a completely low carb day, but I ended up with 31 points for the day.  Without the Cheerio episode, I would have only been at 23 points, so I guess it’s all good.

Alright, off to catch up on my blog reading the rest of this train ride – make it a great day!