I just want to take a second and thank everyone for their comments on yesterday’s blog post, as well as text messages, instant message on Facebook and comments on Instagram – I have the best virtual support group anyone could ever have! It means more to me than you’ll ever know, but just wanted to say . . . thank you! It’s weird how the emotional baggage can weigh you down more than the extra pounds on your body, no?
I’ve had several window replacement companies come by the house the last two days, hence the delay in getting today’s blog post up. Yesterday one guy was here for TWO HOURS talking about the honeycomb construction of this windows, yadayadayada. And this is just to replace 5 windows in my house. The funny thing is that Tony was an awesome salesman. He taught me so many “tricks of the trade” so to speak, so when this guy was talking to me, I know he was just doing his schpeal to get me to go with his company. He pulled up a chart on his iPad and showed me all the fellow (insert company name here) neighbors I have that have used their company within a 5 mile radius of me. And wouldn’t I be in good company if I just went along with my neighbors and used the same company? But it got weird when he asked for my email address to send the quote to. I gave him “mybizzykitchen@gmail.com” (email me anytime – love getting mail!) and he asked what I did for a living. I didn’t tell him I was “self” employed, but just told him I recipe developed, and that I was diabetic. He told me his brother was diabetic, but he thought it was weird because his brother was never overweight in his whole life.
I then told him that would be the same as someone who has lung cancer, but has never smoked. He told me it was his belief that if you “willed” your body enough, that it could cure cancer, and that if I just thought long and hard about it, I could will my pancreas to start producing insulin again and stop taking insulin. Gah. Not only that – his quote for 5 windows? $6,900! And that was after some mysterious 28% discount and he didn’t want to part with his sheet that had the breakdown on the cost for each window, but would “touch it up” and email it to me later. No thanks. Oh, and the wait time on the windows? 9-12 weeks before installation!
This morning though, I had the owner of a local company come out and give me a quote. Same double hung windows, same UV protection, same everything as the other windows, and he is going to include all the trim work to match my existing new windows in the front of the house, repair any rotten wood frames in the front room windows that weren’t replaced last fall (they suffered water damage to from the leaky roof) and installation will be 3-4 weeks. Total cost with a 20 year warranty on everything? $2800. Quite a difference, no?!
I had so much caulk on my bedroom window because Tony was always so cold, and was convinced there was a draft, that when I took all the caulk off, there is almost nothing left holding the window in place. I now have nails holding the window in, and when this guy came in today, he completely taped it up so no rain would get in. Nice! This will also most likely be my only home improvement project this year, but I’ll be safe knowing all my windows will be more energy efficient.
I’ve been enjoying reading Andie’s new cookbook. And by reading, that’s exactly how you’ll read it too – each section of the book has anecdotes, stories on why certain recipes remind her of a point in her life. It’s the best of both worlds – mini memoir and cookbook!
One of the first recipes that I flagged first was her peanut butter granola parfait. You guys all know how I love my parfaits! But the downside of granola is that it is so calorie/smart point heavy, and sometimes I feel I can get much more food for the buck if I just skipped the granola all together. But then I quickly realized, that’s one of the best parts of the WW program, you can incorporate your favorite foods into your plan and still be on plan.
I did tweak her recipe a bit. I belong to a private Facebook group for her book and one of the members graciously figured out the WW points for every.single.recipe in her new cookbook. Unreal. I have an email to the woman who did that to see if I can share it with you guys. In any event, the WW points for Andie’s peanut butter granola is 7 WW points for a heaping 1/4 cup – or 1.25 ounces. Which isn’t a lot of granola for that amount of points. But, I remembered I had PB2 in my pantry, and thought I’d give that a try. Guys – it worked! I also ended up adding 2 tablespoons of sugar free pancake syrup to sweeten it up a bit. And I never thought I’d have granola read in 15 minutes, but this worked!

This breakfast parfait comes in at 8 points. One cup Chobani yogurt (3), banana (0) 1/2 cup homemade strawberry sauce (1), and one serving of the PB granola (4). This was delicious – the yogurt and strawberry sauce were tangy, the banana gave this just enough sweetness for me to not be overly sweet, and then the crunchy granola on top? Perf. And this kept me full for hours.
My store had a bag of baby peppers on sale this week – I am a sucker for tiny food! I went on Pinterest to get some ideas, and I stumbled upon Kevin of Closet Cooking’s mini pepper nachos. Um, genius. I, of course, had to switch it up with what I had on hand. I cut 6 pepper in half. I cooked down 3 ounces of chicken breast (2) with 1/4 cup corn (2) and 1/2 cup of Goya brand fiesta baked beans (4) and 2 tablespoons of Taco bell hot sauce (0). I divided that mixture in the pepper halves, then sprinkled with 1 ounce of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese over the top, then broiled it. Holy yum – best 10 point lunch I’ve had in a long time. The spiciness in the baked beans was perfect. Now, I like a crunchy bell pepper, so I liked the contrast to the hot filling, but you could always pre-cook the peppers if you wanted to. I grilled up some of my baja fresh salsa (first of the season!) and had that for dipping.
My store also had ham off the bone on sale for $1.99 a pound. Um, yes please! So fricken good. I hadn’t made ham breakfast cups in a while, so decided to throw some together for breakfast yesterday with what I had on hand.
- 3 ounces ham off the bone (each slice of my deli ham was 1 ounce each)
- 1 large egg
- 3 tablespoons egg white
- 3 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
- 1 ounce leftover cooked potato
- 1/2 cup chopped baby spinach
- 1/2 ounce 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese
Heat oven to 425. Place each piece of ham in a muffin pan and press down – oh, be sure to spray your muffin tin! Mix together the egg, egg white, almond milk and any seasoning you want. I did a pinch of Cajun seasoning and some dried parsley, salt and pepper. Divide the potatoes between the three muffin cups, divide the baby spinach, the pour the egg mixture between the cups and sprinkle with the cheese. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Best part?
The best part is that all three cups are only 8 points. And I actually only ate two before being interrupted by the TWO HOUR WINDOW SALESMAN and that kept me full for a long time. #winning!
I also made a batch of Gina from Skinny Taste’s broccoli potato cheese soup. So simple, hearty and delicious. The only changes I made was to up the carrots and celery in her recipe – I added 6 carrots and 6 celery sticks to the soup, and used unsweetened almond milk in place of skim milk, so that each 2 cup serving is 7 smart points. Sadly, it’s been overcast, rainy and in the low 40s the last couple days, so this soup is really comforting – I’ll probably have it again for lunch today.

I haven’t talked about these corn tortillas in a while, but Mission makes an extra thin corn tortilla that is delicious. It’s still 4 points for 3 tortillas, but because they are so thin, with just a little bit of oil, they pan fry up really crisp. I sauteed 2 ounces of ground sirloin, with 1/2 a red pepper. I divided that mixture between three tortillas, added 1 ounce 50% reduced fat cheese (I am almost out!) and pan fried them in 1 tsp. of oil. The rest of my plate is zero points – carrot chips dipped into my homemade salsa, and strawberries and grapes for dessert.
And after dinner I realized I still had 5 points left to “spend.” I decided to make a no ice cream banana split. I sliced up one small banana and two large strawberries. Stacked the bananas on top of the strawberries, then drizzled 1 tablespoon Smuckers sugar free caramel sauce (1) over the top and 1/2 tablespoon Hershey’s chocolate syrup (1) and 1.5 tablespoons of chopped pecans (2). Holy balls – for 4 points this was an amazing dessert. It would be a nice dessert for company too – just plate up a bunch and pass them around. Salty, sweet, crunchy – yum!
Alright, it seems like I’ve been really busy this morning, but I haven’t really gotten a whole lot done! Planning on doing an HIIT workout on the treadmill today. For strength I have calves and legs. I also plan on doing a yoga video on my Exercise on Demand for stretching.
We made it to Wednesday! Hope everyone is having a great week. I decided I wanted to share the love and offer up a copy of Andie’s cookbook. Just leave a comment below – could be just a one word answer like the state you live in, or your favorite food (pizza!). I’ll pick a random winner on Friday. Good luck – you will love this cookbook.
Make it a great day!
I loved Andie’s memoir, hope I win the cookbook!
So I had to read back as I missed a post, then I had to click the links for the Tony story – love that you are able to share so much of your life. So tough to lose your soulmate but sounds like you are ready to move forward with your dreams.
I am retired now and enjoy taking my time to do stuff I want, if I want to sit and read I can, go for a walk, meet a friend for coffee, potter the shops, make a cake… Nice. Hope a job comes along soon that fits your life.
Thanks for reading Sue – I am enjoying my semi-retirement as much as possible, because I know it won’t last, but I agree, it’s so nice to sit and read if I want to, or stay up until 11:30 at night!
The parfait looks amazing!! Good luck with the window reno and continued success on WW.
Thanks Carol! 😀
I’d love a copy of this. I have a love/hate relationship with food and everything I’ve read about Andie makes me want to get my hands on her cookbook!
Just wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about you! sometimes life gets in the way! I am so happy for you and all that you are aiming for. Things are looking so bright. Your photos are awesome, your WW info is superb and you are just full of ideas and positive thoughts! And yesterday’s post was inspiring! Glad you are keeping bizzy!
Think of all the cooking we’d do together if we lived closer Abbe! 😀 Hugs!
That mini sundae sounds great! Gonna have to give that a try!!
Ive been meaning to comment on your pictures lately…not sure if you are doing something different but they look great!!
Thanks Kim! Well, it helps that I can spend a little more time on my food photography and styling not being rushed by a job! 😀
I love your blog and read every post. Your recipes are great. I have struggled with Type 1 diabetes for 20 years so I can relate to “insulin worthy”! You’re attitude is inspiring. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks for being a loyal reader Cherie! Um, the burger I ate tonight? Insulin worthy! 😀
North Carolina!
California. The ham cups look great. I have made your broccoli egg cups many times. Love them.
I’m in NC. Would love to get the cookbook! 🙂
I would love Andie’s cookbook.
Sunny Washington…gonna be 80 degrees today!! Favorite food…Onions!! Not really, but I do put them in just about everything I make. Can’t even think of cooking if I don’t have them in the house. French fries are my true love though.
Making your ham cups this morning. (with some onions)
80? So not fair Cory! It’s 11:15 a.m. and it’s still only 37 degrees out 😛 Ha, I have to laugh about the onions though! Let me know how you like the ham cups!
I wish I was like you!! 🙂 You can take a recipe and morph it into anything, me, I just have to follow the recipe verbatim. I would love to win this cookbook!!
From – Alabama
Favorite Food – Pizza!!!
I think if we lived closed we’d eat a lot of pizza together Carol!
I love cookbooks!
Currently craving…avocado egg rolls from The Cheesecake Factory! I’d love to win the cookbook as I’m currently on my weight loss journey for baby #2. Thanks Biz 🙂
Texas! I collect (coughhoardcough) cookbooks. I love reading them and Andie’s looks like a winner.
Even though we’ve lived in SE Texas for practically ever, my husband and I have recently discovered and are currently obsessed with tacos al pastor and elote (Mexican street corn). We’re tweaking recipes to get it right at home.
Ha, I nearly spit my coffee out at the (coughhoardcough)! Um, I may have a similar problem, but I am not ready for an intervention yet – I actually moved a lot of my cookbooks to a bookcase in the basement so Hannah didn’t hassle me so much about my mini obsession. 😀
I even have a 6-inch 3-ring binder with magazine recipes I’ve saved over the last 20 years or so. At this point, I officially have more recipes to try than meals left to prepare in a lifetime! (Five lifetimes if you include internet/blog bookmarks, which I obviously don’t — that way lies madness!)
I live in Kansa~
Chilean sea bass
That’s like the one fish that I like, but sadly it costs $25 a pound at my grocery store 😛
That’s a huge difference in the price. And that guy doesn’t sound as a nice guy.
The nacho peppers look delicious!
You don’t have to include me for the book. I do read cook books like you do but I only want them in Dutch.
Love your recipes…I live in Chicagoland too!
When is it going to feel like spring Gail?!
I am located 1 mile south of Disneyland and north of the Great Wolf Lodge.
Mississippi…..Love your recipes..diabetic also
Yep, I know Georgette – you are my diabetic buddy 😀
I LOVE reading your blog. I am also an OPRF grad 🙂 Your no ice cream banana split looks amazing. Best of luck to you in your next chapter, you definitely belong in the food industry!
Oh hey OPRF grad! 😀 My husband used to make so much fun of me when we would go back there and I undoubtedly would run into someone I knew 😀 Thanks for reading and coming along for the ride! 😀
Carpe Diem that’s my word/motto
or in your case ” balls to the wall every day”
Love it Kris – hugs!!
I’m in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia & still thinking of a way to have you cook all of these wonderful recipes! I love your blog! 🙂
I’ll actually be in Virginia next weekend helping my aunt at a trade show in Richmond – someday I’ll visit WV! 😀 Thanks for being such a loyal reader 😀
Ice cream
I “read” cookbooks also. At 72 yrs young, I have “read” a few, but would love to win this to have something new to “read”. Love reading how strong and determined you have been during and after Tony’s illness and passing. Keep pursuing your dream.
Thank you so much Sharon – I appreciate your faith in me! 😀
Minnesota fellow diabetic
Thanks so much for posting about Andie’s new cookbook. I started following her on Pinterest and she’s got some really great looking food. I want to make those individual tamale pot pies. YUM.
Favorite food is donuts but anything with peanut butter certainly pulls at my heart strings…
How big were each of your granola servings? I’m going to make this ASAP!!
About a heaping 1/4 cup – or 1.25 if you weigh everything like me 😛 It’s basically the amount on top of my parfait – the rest of the batch is what’s on the cutting board 😀
Looks like we are on the same wave length. I made a batch of your salsa this past Saturday. I was a little disappointed because the tomatoes themselves didn’t have the best flavor. I also made homemade chips with Mission corn tortillas. I am so happy you posted that recipe. Until then I was making plain old “fresh salsa” not the yummy roasted kind. I just smile when I see how you put so much effort into your food. Your banana split dessert looks so good. I would have just sliced everything and threw it in a bowl if it was just for me.
I agree Kym, the tomatoes weren’t the best, but since I got them off my $1 rack, they were really ripe which helped! I love tortilla chips made from those tortillas too – yum! Tony used to make so much fun of me when I plated my food – but I like to eat with my eyes first 😀
Oh, I’d be interested to hear how she went about calculating the points. If there are better tools to use. Anyway, this cookbook looks awesome!
Jacky, I think she entered literally every recipe into the WW recipe builder!
i live in Pennsylvania. my favorite foods are pretty much anything mexican (along with the margaritas!) and for dessert my mom’s sour cherry pie.
Recently I purchased a hot water heater and had it installed. The total cost once the installer arrived was $1400: $600 for the water heater and $800 for the installation. I started bawling, just boo-hooing. I couldn’t afford that. And why was installation so much more than the heater itself?! Anyway, tears did the trick and he did the whole job for $800, heater purchase included. Said I got a “special deal” which is so much bs. What about people who don’t fight for that? What about people who just pay it? It’s so wrong on so many levels, the cheating people try to get away with.
Anywho, Andie is so pretty. Favorite food – cherries!
I never thought to cry at the first guy who quoted me so much money! It is wrong on so many levels 😛
Southern California 🙂
Biz, you rock…I need to start using your recipes, the food always looks delicious!!
Thanks Aide – hugs sweetie!
MN and Pizza would be my favorite food. I have a jar of PB2 I need to try your recipe asap.
Arizona ?
Those ham and egg breakfast cups look delish! I will definitely have to cook some up one of these mornings!
I would love to win a copy of Andie Mitchell’s new cookbook! I made her Linguine with Broccoli and Crispy Bread Crumbs for dinner last night and it was incredible! The whole family loved it, including my 14-month-old son. ?
That recipe is on my list to make too 😀
Native Oak Parker!! OPRFHS Grad and devoted reader for years! I just started Andi’s book “it was me all along” because of your review and I have to have my highlighter handy because it is just. that. good. So many truths in there and I would LOVE to get my hands on that cookbook!
Funny story, I was introduced to your blog by Prevention RD’s blog because a long time ago she referenced your blog. She and I both went to OPRFHS, then went to U of I, then randomly, I pledged her sorority (she was 1 year ahead) and the rest is history! Small Oak Park world 🙂
Random Words (or phrase): horse farts!
Hey Alyssa! Go OPRF! I actually have the book on my Kindle now so I can jump to the parts I’ve highlighted. Nicole! We keep saying we are going to meet, but the one time we were close, Tony was really sick and we couldn’t make it work. OMG, her daughter is so damn cute – and now another baby on the way – I told her I can’t to see her two girls at age 3 and 6!
Horse farts! Love it – thanks for commenting!
Hi Biz,
Your food always looks amazing. Your talents definitely deserve to be in the food industry.
I am also a huge fan of Andie’s….I loved her first book.
Thanks Cindy – I appreciate it – from your lips to God’s ears! 😀
Texas. 🙂
I guess that’s why you always should get more than one quote, but honestly, if I didn’t like the sales guy I wouldn’t go with the company, no matter how good the price was. And that guy? What a jerk.
You are from Texas?! 😛
Holy crap–that window guy is a walking example of why it pays to “get several bids.” Yeesh.
Glad you are liking the book–she seems like a real inspiration to you! 🙂
Hope you are feeling better sweetie – it seems like Andie and I have a lot of similarities with our food addictions – and it’s nice to know that she made it to the other side! 😀
Tennessee…Chicken Ranch Pizza is my fav right now
Okay, I’ve made a lot of pizzas in my life, but I’ve never heard of a chicken ranch pizza – I need to look that up!
South Carolina
Pennsylvania– I just got her book. The cookbook looks great!! Thanks 🙂
Biz thank you so much!! I just pinned this recipe for the PB2 granola–it’s gorgeous! You are the best. Also, loved your last post so much. I left a WHOPPER of a comment…like, it’s a novel.
Love to you, my friend xo
I enjoyed reading your novel comment Andie! Love you 😀
Biz if I didn’t live in New York and was around the corner from you I would put in your windows. With the help of Jacob Of course. The first guy was too expensive..
Aw Larry – thank you! I know you’d help me if you lived closer. Hugs!
Biz- It’s so funny that you say that you “read” Andie’s cookbook because that is what I do with most cookbooks! Still, having read Andie’s other book, I can imagine exactly what you mean by that!
I basically read all cookbooks like a book, but especially this one 😀
Proud of you and all you’re doing!
Thanks Lisa! Next time you are in the hood (or at a close volleyball tournament!) let me know and we can meet in real life! 😀 Hugs!
Michigan……favorite food currently is tacos!! Hoping I can find those Mission corn tortillas in my store soon!
Those would be awfully expensive windows!!! Companies these days. UGH. We keep getting stuff fixed in our new home…and every time the painters come through, they make it a million times worse. I don’t understand what happened to people taking pride in their trade/craft. And then they charge those kinds of prices? Um, no thank you!!! I’ll do it my dang self!
The problem with these windows that need to be replaced are not standard – like I can’t go to Home Depot and just pick them out. But I agree, it’s hard to find people who stand by their work. Although after that first guy who ripped me off last year, everyone else who did the work afterwards was wonderful.
We had an exact window salesman encounter like that when we bought our house 10 years ago. So annoying!
I can’t believe you can get ham off the bone for $1.99 a pound. Our “sale” price a couple weeks ago was $5.99 a pound!
This store has the best deli – I can get a sliced mozzarella cheese for $2.99 a pound. You know how I love my cheese!
I’ve heard good things about the cook book! I’d love to get my hands on a copy.
omg TWO HOURS and a difference of what $4000. that’s insane. good for you shopping around!
don’t include me in the giveaway! I already have a copy 🙂 I’m doing a giveaway for the book next week too <3
Thanks for waiting patiently for my blog post to go up today! 😛 Hugs!
xoxo always!!
Bwahaha, you should have told him you were thinking long and hard about his leaving right then! What a schmuck!
Not a fan of yogurt (unless it’s the frozen sweet kind, ha) but think I might could eat it with granola.
I can’t get Hannah to like yogurt either, but she’ll eat the granola as a snack 😀