I am one of those people that can kind of roll with the punches.  It’s just my nature, if I get knocked down, it might take me a while, but I’ll eventually dust myself off and move on.  Change is scary and it’s good all at the same time.  

So I’ve decided to change things up.  First off – I have a new look on the blog – just a free theme from WordPress, but I am trying to make my blog look cleaner.  I am not at the point where I want to have someone design one for me – that’s in the not so distant future, but I have a lot of behind the scenes work to do.  Because basically I don’t really know what I am doing with this blog, other than to put content out there and see if it sticks.  I joined Pinch of Yum’s food blogger pro – she and her husband run their blog together, and in fact, it’s getting so successful that they have now rented office space instead of just working in their home, and have hired employees!   They just ended open enrollment right before Christmas, but so far it’s been worth the $29 a month I’ve spent the last few months learning stuff I never even heard of.

SEO is very important to food bloggers – that would be Search Engine Optimization.  There are tips and tricks on how to get your content high on google – so if someone types “best buffalo chicken chili” your recipe would make it on the first page of that google search and have a better chance of getting a view on your blog.  But it takes a lot of work.  I need to categorize all my recipes (oops – may have not done that a whole lot these last several years!) and then rename blog posts with recipes and rename the pictures within the same blog post so that it has more continuity when people search for recipes online.

I have only learned the tip of the ice burg, but with Hannah’s help, we are starting to figure it out.  While I know I’ll never make $35,000 a month like Lindsay and Bjork do on their blog, knowing that I am a single income household, it would be nice if I could generate some income other than the $50 I make right now.

So here comes the change.  Going forward I will be blogging three times a week (much like Shelley!).  I’ll do new posts Monday/Wednesday/Friday and hope to build better content on those posts that can maybe get a broader audience, while in the meantime, going back through all my archives and cleaning up the stuff behind the scenes.  Which will probably take months to do by the way, but I figure on the off days that I am not posting, I can spend my time doing that.

But don’t worry!  I’ll still be the Instagram whore, and you’ll still hear about my life – it will just not be every day.  Well, Instagram will be – duh!  (my bizzy kitchen – are you following me?!)

Which brings us to the title of this post.  While on Pinch of Yum’s video tutorials, I saw a recipe for a tomato/egg/potato dish.  Funny thing about Lindsay is that she can’t really do much savory for breakfast, so she served these for dinner, and like Guy Fieri, pretty much hates eggs.  Which made me do a double take on why she made it.   Well, turns out her hubby makes it, and she’s more willing to try some eggs and decided this was a vehicle to like them.

Except her version had 6 eggs for 4 servings.  Hum.  Her point was that sometimes she would eat one egg for a serving, and sometimes two.  But since I was making this not only for Sunday brunch but for two of my later breakfasts, decided 8 eggs would work – 2 eggs per serving.  I also reduced the amount of oil, subbed in spinach for kale . . . you get the idea – in the end I tweaked just about everything, but the result was nothing less than spectacular!  And Hannah gets the credit for these two pics – thanks for being my food stylists and photographer!  And Fran, these were taken on the same camera you just got.

one pot spicy eggs and potato

Jessica, this was one of the ones I bought when we went there during my Spartan race in Milwaukee (on the list of things to do in 2016 – organize my spices!)

1.3.15 026

1.3.15 029

one pot spicy eggs 2

This was so delicious – perfect blend of spice, the potatoes were so creamy and the eggs were cooked perfect for me.  Jacob would have preferred a runny egg, but considering the other two servings are for my breakfast, it was all about me.  Ha!


Another change for me this weekend?  Two things actually!  One: I am reading a book!  And yes Charlie, you are correct, other than Andie’s book, yours is the only other book I’ve read the last ten years.  I am sorry I omitted that in my last post!   And two:  I need reading glasses.  Hannah and I went thrifting on Saturday and everything in the store was 50% off – so that book was half off and those glasses?  Cost .75 cents after my discount.  They are only +1.0, but perfect for reading in bed – I found myself even with my contacts on reaching farther and farther to read small print.  And they are blue – my favorite color.

1.3.15 021

I am already three chapters in and hooked!  Speaking of hooked, I am hooked on the Netflix episodic documentary How to Make A Murderer.   I used this show as a reward – if I did two loads of laundry, washed, dried, folded AND put the clothes away, I would earn to watch another episode.  I also walked four miles at the gym yesterday during a one hour episode too, and it went by in the blink of an eye!  Check it out if you get a chance – it’s fascinating.


And now to announce the winner of the giveaway  . . . .

True Random Number Generator:

Min: 1  Max:  35  Result:  23

Carol B

I would change the binging that I do on sweets. I was doing good until the holidays, and now feel that I have to something sweet every night. Guess I need to do a sugar detox for January!

JANUARY 1, 2016 AT 7:57 PM REPLY

Congrats Carol!  Just shoot me an email at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com and I’ll have Andie’s book shipped to you from amazon.com.

Time to get this show on the road – my gym bag is packed, my food is all set and I get to stop by Hannah’s work to get my almond milk cappuccino on my way to work. Open-mouthed smile

Make it a great day!