Thanks for all the comments, emails, texts, instant messages on Facebook and comments on Instagram (am I on social media much?!) regarding yesterday’s post.  I thought back to our wedding day, and other anniversaries and while he’s not here, it is still my anniversary, so I decided that Hannah and I would treat yo self to winter pedicures last night.  We don’t normally do pedicures in the winter and we both said that needs to change.  It felt so good!  And with temps near 60 degrees today, you better believe I am wearing flip flops to work today!

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Yep, I have festive feet!  Although if I could have found a salon to do these nails, I totally would have gotten this:

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The night before last Hannah did a deep clean of my fridge and freezer.  The freezer had just gotten out of hand.  Nothing labeled or some things we couldn’t even identify! 

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Hannah has given me some “fridge rules.”  I cannot buy any more condiments until I use up the ones I have.  I also can’t open a can of refried beans and only scoop out 1/2 a cup, put the lid back on it and stick it in the fridge.  And she says that I need to start making smaller dinner portions because hardly anyone uses the leftovers (well, I do!).  She’s too funny – but I will try to keep the fridge clean.  I am finishing up my grocery shopping tonight for Christmas.  Tony’s sister, her boyfriend, son, grandson, uncle and cousin are coming for dinner.  So is Jacob’s Mom and my Mom, so it will be a full house!

Yesterday was another egg sammie for breakfast with some pretty tasteless fruit.  My PIL sent me a box of citrus fruit and I forgot to bring fruit from that box – I already pulled out a grapefruit for today though.

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It was pretty rainy and chilly yesterday, so I hit the gym at lunch.  15 minutes of lower body and then 2.25 miles on the treadmill.

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I don’t normally grocery shop or meal plan the week of holidays, so yesterdays lunch was a bit weird – just leftover mac n cheese and some leftover grilled chicken.

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Ah, that’s better – just needed some Tapatio!

After Hannah and I got our toes did, we picked up tacos for Taco Tuesday at our local Mexican take out restaurant.  I got two tacos and some rice and beans – so good!

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Their spicy salsa is amazeballs.

Hooray for today being my Friday!  I am looking forward to two four day weekends.  I’ll be back tomorrow with a recipe for macadamia nut, dark chocolate and craisin biscotti – it’s the gift from my kitchen for my bosses and co-workers this year.   Then I’ll be taking a blog break for the weekend.

Make it a great day!