My daughter in law loves snowmen as much as I do.  Every morning for about the last 10 days I’ve texted her pics of me drinking my morning coffee at work drinking out of a snowman mug.  It’s killing her that I have so many.  Seriously, I think I could go the whole month drinking out of a difference snowman mug every day.

She texted me back and said that she was drinking out of a Britney Spears mug. I may have also showed her my snowman earrings my sister made me years ago!

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She then admitted that she watched Crossroads recently.  I was like, really?!  The only Crossroads movie I remembered was with Ralph Macchio and Jami Gertz circa 1986. 

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I said “the movie with Ralph Macchio?” and she replied “whose Ralph?!”   I am sure if I said Karate Kid she would know who I am talking about.  She quickly schooled me and told me the Crossroads movie she was talking about starred none other than Britney Spears!

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I have never heard of that movie or seen it before, and it’s on Netflix so I may just have to take a look at that over the weekend.  I just had to laugh at the generational gap!


Since my doctor appointment was fasting, by the time I got to the office at 9:30 I was hungry.  You knew I’d find a way to use my leftover burger from the night before last.  This was 1.5 ounces of the burger with egg whites, baby spinach, and cheese, with a halo on the side.

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What a difference a day makes.  Wednesday I was walking in 50 degree weather with just a sweater on.  Yesterday at lunch it was 33 but with the wind chill, felt like 25.  I toughed it out though and walked 3 miles at lunch.

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I had the last of my roasted tomato soup and made a panini sandwich out of the remaining burger meat.  OMG, this was a killer lunch – it was like dipping a cheeseburger into the tomato soup.  Epic!  And believe it or not, just over 500 calories for that whole plate of food.

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Jacob had to work late and when I walked in the door, I asked Hannah what she felt like for dinner, and without hesitation she said “pizza!”  Well, being the nice Mom that I am, I decided to make her dreams come true.  Who am I kidding – I’ve waited so long to hear those words when I walked in the house.  Long time readers will remember that Tony wasn’t the biggest fan of pizza.  I guess I forgot to ask him how deep his love of pizza was when we first met! Open-mouthed smile

When I made pizzas at the bar I worked at in my early 20s, I loved the pizza there because they chopped up the pepperoni into chunks.  I thought it gave a whole new texture to the pizza.  Back then I had a hard time finding pepperoni like that in the grocery store without going to a specialty Italian market.  Now, you can find Dietz & Watson products pretty much at any grocery store.

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I know I’ve talked over and over about my no rise pizza dough – but it is really so easy to make homemade pizza on a weeknight.  The longest part is waiting for my stove to get to 425! 

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water
  • that’s fucking it

Mix together.  This is enough dough to make about 4, 7 inch personal sized pizzas, or two 14 inch pizzas.  My pizza before being topped with fresh mozzarella – sauteed mushrooms, baby spinach and pepperoni.

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Out of the oven.  This baked on my baking steel at 425 for 14 minutes.

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At about the 8 minute mark, I pulled the pizza out, brushed the crust with a bit of olive oil and seasoned salt, and finished it off.  I find that if I put the olive oil at the beginning that the crust gets almost too done before the middle of the pizza is cooked through.

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I ate half – and my guestimate was it was probably 650-700 calories for half.  That brings me to about 1700 calories for the day.   I walked a total of six miles, so I did okay for the day as a whole.

And in case you were wondering, Roman is my new kitchen buddy.  He can’t wait for me to drop shit on the floor, and there’s a pretty good chance that happens quite a bit when I am cooking!  Please ignore my awful kitchen flooring that I can never keep clean no matter how hard I try.  #shittylinoleum

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And to finish off with more snowman love, here are more of my decorations around the house.  I just realized I did my before video of my living room, but I never did an after one!  I’ll have to fix that this weekend so you can see how festive the house looks now.

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When my alarm went off this morning, I checked the weather.  Um, 25 degrees but with the wind chill feels like 15.  Um, no thank you!  So I slept in another 35 minutes – nice! 

Have an awesome weekend – come back Monday to find out how I did with my sleepover – my friend Alison’s girls are sleeping over at my house Saturday night (age 7 and 3!).  It’s been so long since I’ve been around kids that young for so long – but thankfully they are girls, I can always whip out the nail polish, and her parents don’t have cable, so the Disney Channel may be on a lot this weekend!