Thanks for all your kind words about my post yesterday.  I cried yesterday morning when I was writing the post, but I surprisingly was okay the rest of the day.  I kept remembering the good times, how he used to make me laugh and it brought a smile to my face instead of tears.  And for some reason now that the first year without Tony is over, I have this renewed sense of purpose.  Not sure what that is yet, but it feels good.

Over the weekend I made pancakes.  Jacob LOVES chocolate chip pancakes.  When he woke up on Sunday and saw I was making pancakes he said “are those for us or for your breakfasts next week.”  He’s already figured out my meal plan Sundays!   I ended up using this recipe and these were a keeper.   I had mine plain though.  I had enough batter to have two for breakfast yesterday.

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Even though it was 32 degrees I still got my walking shoes on at lunch.  We had about an inch of snow fall the night before.

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Before my walk though Hannah called and told me to wait because she and Jacob were stopping by my office.  They brought me flowers and Hannah made me the best handmade cards.  I love that she’s 23 and still makes these handmade cards for me.  It was so thoughtful!

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Not gonna lie, this card made me teary, but in a good way.  I am so thankful to have her and Jacob staying with me.  They also brought me coffee and told me they were taking me out to dinner last night.  So sweet!

And on my walk Roz, you’ll see that I saw a random heart!

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We ended up going to Cary Ale House – the food is always so good.  I tried a new beer – Oskar Blues brewery Old Chub Scottish Ale.  I was a bit shocked when she brought it to me because I wasn’t expecting a dark beer, but it was delicious!  And they will cook your burger medium rare if you want it, so that’s what I got.

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So I think its time I start swimming in the sea of life again.  I told the kids that I wanted to take a photography class.  I also want to redesign this website – I switched the background to black because in December my blog snows – my Mom can’t see it though, so let me know if you see snow and if most people can’t, I’ll switch it back to white.  I have resigned myself for the short term that there is no way I can switch jobs to do something I love and get paid the same amount of money, so I am just going to make the most of my time while I am at work, and if I end up doing more personal stuff like work on the blog because I have nothing to do, well, that’s what I am going to do. 

But if you hear of a job as a bread baker that pays a lot of money, you can let me know!    Alright, off to get my stuff together for work – make it a great day!