Sunday I headed to Oak Park to see my Mom perform with the Sing to Live Community Chorus.  It was their 10th anniversary performance and I was looking forward to it.   My Mom sent me an email telling me that she’d be in the front row, but what I didn’t read was that she was going to be in the front row of the bleachers in the back – I still was able to see her most of the time though.


The founders have such an adoration for each other.  It was a wonderful concert.

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I saw with my friend and blog reader Laura (hey Laura!) and her Mom.  I wasn’t sure that they would be there because her Mom is transitioning into a nursing home, but they were, and as usual, she always brings me stuff – this time mustard! Thanks Laura!  Next to the mustards?  That is a door stop – it was all dusty so I washed it and it was hanging out there to dry.

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My friend Jacky posts on Facebook all the time about a restaurant called Autre Monde and raves about the food, so I suggested taking my Mom there after the concert.  But before that, I had to give my Mom a dozen roses for her performance.  You know, favorite children do that for their Momma’s.

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Well, the food did not disappoint.  It was a Mediterranean tapas restaurant and while they served full entrees and the hanger steak with pomme frites was calling my name, we decided to split a bunch of things, and I am glad we did.  We started off with a crispy piece of chicken with a chili honey sauce – amazing.

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Next up was the chili grilled shrimp:  there was a spicy chili sauce underneath that was delicious.

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Then a simple sauteed spinach dish with chick peas, garlic and lemon.  We both were like “we need to make this at home!”  So simple but the flavors popped:

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I pretty much can never pass up pork belly – this one was melt in your mouth delicious with a bright chimichurri sauce.  After the first bite, I paired the greens with the pork and the acidity of the lemon broke through the fattiness of the pork and it was so good.

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And then we ended up with a flatbread with baby arugula on top – this one had red chilis on it and it was too spicy for my Mom, I’ll probably have the leftovers for lunch today.

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And what’s better than one dessert?  TWO!  We split the olive oil cake with sauteed apples and vanilla gelato and my friend Jacky told me that the hazelnut chocolate pot de crème was insulin worthy, and she would be absolutely correct!

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I still dream about this dessert – so good!  Even though this place is an hour away, whenever I am in that area I know I will be hitting this restaurant up again and again.

So long time readers have heard me talk about my friend Skippy Mom.  She’s had congestive heart failure and rheumatoid arthritis for years.  She and I mostly  communicate via Facebook messenger so when I hadn’t heard from her and she hadn’t replied I started to get worried.  I finally messaged her husband and he called me last night.  I can’t go into details because it’s not my news to tell, but she’s been in ICU for the last three weeks.  So if you are of the praying type, please send some prayers her way.  I know she and her family can use it right now.

In other news, Jacob and Hannah got a new puppy.  Meet Roman:

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He’s a 15 week Boston Terrier.  They picked him up last night and so far Rummy is tolerating the dog.  For some reason Rummy drools around the dog – I have no idea why.  We have a baby gate to the front of the house to protect my new living room until we see how potty trained he really is.  He’s so tiny compared to Rummy – Rummy is 20 pounds and Roman is 4 pounds – so cute! 

Alright, off to get this show on the road – make it a great day!