I had a taste for oatmeal yesterday and saw this recipe on Pinterest for a cinnamon roll oatmeal and I was sold.  The only thing I did differently was reduce the amount of powdered sugar to a teaspoon and I added sautéed apples.  My picture looked like crap, so I borrowed the picture from the blog.  It was really really good.  But I can only do a breakfast like that every so often because it’s so heavy on carbs.

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I had time to kill before leaving for work so I put on makeup and put on my good pearls that Tony gave me before we got married, and the nice pair of earrings he gave me on our first anniversary.  I figured why do I need to wait for a special occasion to wear them?  Everyone at work wanted to know if I had an interview somewhere, or if I had dinner plans out with someone that night.  Gah – I must look like shit the rest of the days of the week – ha!

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It was a gorgeous day yesterday to walk.  I ended up not even tracking my time or distance because I don’t want to push myself too hard so that my bronchitis comes back.  I walked for 50 minutes and it was glorious.

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I discovered that with my friends saavy shopping skills, I have enough in my budget to carpet both my bedroom and the kids bedroom.  We had to stop by the flooring place last night after work so that we could pick out our carpet and have it ordered in time that it can be installed the same week as the hardwood floors.   My friend said to go with a neutral color so we went with this Ivory color.  I know it’s a lighter carpet, but I think it will be nice with the color of my walls and the accessories that my friend has planned for my room.

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Since we were out and about, we decided to stop for dinner.  We got there early enough before the Blackhawks and Cubs game started so that we got a table.  It got pretty packed closer to the start of the Cubs game.

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So when in a bar, have a beer!  This was Bell’s Brewery Oberon – if you can find it on tap, get it – so good!

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I also got a burger, because, um, what pairs better with beer than a burger?  I ended up getting a Norge Ski Jump burger with blue cheese crumbles and bacon.  I ended up only eating half but it was delicious.

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Tony was a life long White Sox Fan.  Long time readers will know that he used to razz any Cubs fan when we were out and about and remind them that it’s been 107 years since they have won a World Series.  I mean, my brother Charlie and I even put that in his obituary.   But I like to think that maybe, just maybe Tony would have been happy for Chicago that the Cubs won the wild card game and are now in the playoffs.  I cannot even imagine what the downtown bars would have been like last night!  My only thoughts were that I wouldn’t have wanted to be working in a Chicago bar last night!

So who knows, maybe the Back to the Future prediction will become a reality?