It was on the verge of raining yesterday morning, but I knew I wouldn’t melt, and was able to squeeze in a 25 minute walk before work.

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I am loving Spotify, and yesterday found a very fast paced playlist – if I listen to slow music my walk is slow.  Fast music = fast walk!  I wish they would have asked permission to use my picture though! Open-mouthed smile

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Another Flatout breakfast panini was for breakfast – this time with Cabot cheese oak white cheddar.  I could seriously eat this breakfast every morning and never get sick of it.  My tip though?  If using egg whites, before you put the egg in the wrap, squeeze out any excess liquid between two paper towels.  Otherwise, if you put the egg white in the wrap, then press the panini maker down, your bread gets all soggy and doesn’t crisp up right.

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I HAVE WORK TO DO PEOPLE!  Like enough work to keep me busy all the way through until next Friday and I actually feel like I am earning my paycheck – go me!   That being said, I’ll most likely catch up with you guys in the morning and at night.  I am loving all the wonderful things happening on the 101 Days of Summer Challenge page, both on Facebook and the daily email thread.  It’s never too late to start, so if you want to be a part of a great group of women, just shoot me an email:

I took a break from my work, got my walking shoes on, got five minutes out and it started pouring rain – I managed all of ten minutes at lunch.  But I thought, no big – I will still be going to the gym after work.  I did a Sam’s Club run before work – is it me or do they move their shit around every other week?!  The mini-moos which are always at the far wall, are now on an inside shelf – the orange juice which is normally on the inside is now on the far wall.  I kept going back and forth through that place which helped me with my steps for the day for sure!

I ended up eating the last of my lasagna soup at my desk, and at 5:00 checked my blood sugar before heading to the gym.  Fudge.  It was a perfect 125 – gah!  Here’s the thing, I’d have to eat a lot to get it up to where I need it to be in order to work out at the intensity that I wanted.  So I tell myself – no worries, just go home, eat dinner, then walk after dinner – perfect!

Hannah and I were so excited to try out our mock Wok N Fire green beans.  I set the oven to 425 – put my Baking Steel in the oven, then go to get the beans and pull them out of the bag and . . . they were all moldy.  What the fuck?  I just bought them over the weekend.  And the pork chops I had smelled a bit iffy (although Jacob didn’t think so, so he ate them) so Hannah and I went to Plan B.  She went to Mitsuwa and shared some of her finds for our dinner – we ended up making veggie potstickers, shrim shumai and I chopped up what veggies we had to have on the side.  Not what I had planned, but it was good!

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I still managed to get my steps in and then some – and only because I walked before work, walked a shit ton around Sam’s Club, ran around my office, so I still met my goal of 10k steps a day this week.

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So my day didn’t go as I planned.  The old me would have thrown up my hands and said “well, can’t even get a whole week to go as I planned it!”  But you know what?  I probably never will.  Something is bound to throw me off my course, but it’s up to me to make sure I get right back on it.  The road gets bumpy sometimes.  Sometimes we don’t even want to be on the road at all, but that’s what separates the people who are successful and those that are not.  It takes patience.  Perseverance.  Dedication.  Focus.


I hope you all had a great week.  I have a busy weekend!  Tonight I am meeting a friend out for dinner.  My plan is to have one glass of wine and try to make a healthy meal choice.  Tomorrow is TWIN FEST!  Long time readers know that I have a twin sister and our best friends are twins that we met in third grade.  The Sunday my Mom is coming over and and we are going to this place – Cutlery and More – have any of you heard of it before?  I need knew kitchen knives so I am super excited about that – and my Mom has requested ribs for dinner on Sunday.  I like to make her stuff that she normally wouldn’t make for herself.  My brother and sister don’t eat meat off the bones – so it’s a good thing they won’t be here.  My brother would be content with Ramen noodles – gah!

I still plan on getting my steps in over the weekend – I can’t treat the weekend any differently than I do the week – it just takes a little bit more planning – but I’ve got this.  How about you?