My car has built in Sirius radio and it’s free for the first three months of having my car, and I have until June 15 to decide if I want to keep it.  I am on the fence.  It is nice to have commercial free radio, but just like the radio, if you listen to a particular station long enough, you do end up hearing the same songs over and over again.  On the way to work yesterday I was flipping around and landed on the 80s station – heck ya!  First of all, I need to dust my car, but I am not going to lie, I knew every word to that song and belted it out while I was driving. Open-mouthed smile

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You all pretty much know by now that I prefer savory breakfasts over sweet ones.  I had some leftover baked beans, so that was the inspiration of my breakfast.  Bush’s beans makes a new product called Sweet Heat and they are delicious – perfect balance of sweet and spicy.  I heated up 1/2 cup of those and scrambled egg whites with red pepper to put on top with some cheese, baby spinach and hot sauce delish!  This whole dish was only 376 calories and 32 grams of protein.

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I am happy to say that I’ve been up for over 30 minutes and I have yet to cough!  I am hoping I am at the tail end of my bronchitis because I am really missing my lunch time walks and the gym.  Hopefully if I don’t overdo it this weekend, I can get back at it next week.

Since I had cooked tostadas and leftover toppings from our falafel tostadas, I just heated up the last bit of grilled Greek chicken I had and made chicken tostadas.  My eyes were bigger than my tummy though, and I ended up eating only two of these.

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One of my co-workers gave me an avocado (thanks J!) that was really ready to eat.  I remembered seeing a “Magic Green Sauce” on Lindsay’s site (Pinch of Yum) that I thought I had all the ingredients to.  I had everything but the nuts, so while the texture is obviously a bit different than hers, this sauce was not only simple to make, but so flavorful – It’s kind of like chimichurri sauce meets avocado dip!

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I grilled the zucchini in a pan with a touch of olive oil and Green seasoning.

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When I got home from work I didn’t hear anything, that’s because Hannah and Jacob were napping.  I figured they would be up by the time dinner was ready.  Nope.  I was sitting outside with Red just listening to music and on my tablet, and finally around 7 I was like “fuck it” I was getting hungry, so I had to add more coals to the grill in order to grill the steak.  And a few minutes later, when I was outside, Hannah opened the window and said “I don’t know how that happened!”  Apparently they had been sleeping since 2:30 in the afternoon!  But I used to be just like that at that age.  But this makes me want to get a gas grill even more, because after I added the coals, the steak only needed to cook about 6-8 minutes, so the rest of the coals went to waste – being the end of the week, I didn’t have any more meat to grill.

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So go make the Magic Green Sauce – you will thank me (and Lindsay!) that you did.  And look at me eating mushrooms?  Jennifer, do you like mushrooms?  My Dad loved them but I haven’t started liking them until this last year or so – perfect with beef.

Alright, time to get this show on the road.  I haven’t put any food together yet and I still need to shower.  At lunch I am going to a whole neighborhood garage sale near my office – you can never have too many plates and dishes! 

Have an awesome weekend!  Hugs Open-mouthed smile